Are bikes male or female ?


Retrobike Rider
My road bike is male (hard and fast) but my touring bike is female (good for the long ride) my mountain bike is female (good for a long ride and likes the rough stuff). I feel modern 4x or jump bikes are male (probabuly teenage boys only good for a short sprint of bouncing up and down) Cyclo cross bikes are Male (Swings both ways)
If i'm feeling particularly sentimental, then a she. But a lot of the time (and in truth) they are just an it.
They're all female, just like cars... anything that causes that much heartache, spending, swearing, tears and joy has to be! :LOL:

As a mate of mine says, "If it's got t*ts or tyres, it'll be trouble..."
An Australian adaptation of that is "if it has t*ts or moving parts, there's bound to be trouble"
True, on so many levels......
Girls. In fact mine are 'babes' :LOL: I couldn't ever ride a male :shock: :LOL: :LOL:
Mine are 'Things' such as 'the thing' or creatures such as 'the creature from the black lagoon'. The bikes gender is never an issue but it is veiwed as some kind of life form :LOL: