Apple's new iPad

yeah big storage isn't what it was a few years ago . I can't help but think the harddrive makers aren't just increasing the capacity just to get as much life out of platter drives before flash becomes the norm .

The 160gb drive in my netbook is feeling unfulfilled , my entire operating system including all programs is down to 1.6gb and everything else excluding videos only amounts to 16gb so can happily live on a flash stick or sdhc card . I do have an external 500gb drive for the video stuff and backup but for daily use I can easily get away with 20gb .

I think our attitudes to ownership will change soon , there's no point physically owning a disc with a film or music on it , those kind of things can be downloaded . You don't own the film anyway , just the use of it , that's why its not legal to copy it . Having a film in the air makes more sense than that classic film you bought on video then dvd and now bluray . Like in another thread it'll go the way of paying for the access to that sort of thing .

I wouldn't like having my personal ( ie porn :lol: ) documents and files stored elsewhere because company servers never fail do they but for the other stuff it's the way forward .
Call me curmudgeonly, but I still have no desire to carry a computer around with me. Don't get me wrong, I sit at one (usually more) for 14+ hours daily, but when on the move, I'd much rather read a book.

Or maybe it's BECAUSE I use them so much that I'd rather read a book!
I have a laptop and a mobile phone, why would I need something else? Seems pointless to me, but then I don't wear organic pyjamas or wear a beret...
the one downside I have noted so far is yet again apple have failed to put a SSD slot onto it for photo transfer. They appear to have one that connects externally... but why not build it in?

Winds me up on my macbook that I have to hunt around for a USB card reader every time I want to download from my camera.

Other than that, I like the looks, I love the price and could quite easly see one replacing my macbook when the time comes as my lounging around reading the interweb machine.

I love my Ipod touch, more so as a wifi net browser than a music machine, I find the interface exceptionally easy to use and the multi touch spot on. Multi tasking or the lack of it is a pain, and I hope the Ipad has a sollution to this.

Document authoring and storage will one day be an online task, Google docs being an example of the way things may go, so yeah storage isnt so much of an issue, the future will see an increase in home servers for streaming content to personal display. Pretty much acting as dumb terminals.
JeRkY":316ovean said:
Winds me up on my macbook that I have to hunt around for a USB card reader every time I want to download from my camera.

If your camera takes regular size SD cards, you GOTTA check out the Eye-Fi cards.

I'm not much of a picture taker myself but I got my friend one for his Canon Powershot and he loves it. All you do is take your pictures as normal, and when your camera gets within range of your computer on your home network, it will load them automatically onto your computer wirelessly! The one I got him will also upload directly to FaceBook, Flickr, etc. via the WiFi hotspots at McDonald's and other places while you're away from home - no computer necessary.
I have a 32GB iPod Touch and it's FULL of subtitled music music videos that I 'listen' to with the aid of my cochlear implant. I'd like to have more videos from my iTunes on my iPod but there's no more space so it's fiddly having to chop and change all the time.

Was looking forward to seeing what they had up their sleeves with the tablet, thinking it have much more storage space, I was very disappointed. As said, my next upgrade will be to the 128GB Touch, when it ever gets released.
Do you have a MobileMe account? I don't know if this will work with other "cloud storage" services but with my MobileMe account, I can also stream the movies & music video's that I keep there which frees up the space on my iPod Touch.
An utter waste of time and money. I had the same discussion elsewhere and after the presentation people who were thinking it was a good idea and Apple product owners had to agree. This is Apples BMW X6.


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