Anyone taking part in Movember?

Tazio":f6fw3315 said:
If ok with all I think we should get pics postedin this thread.

Shaved head?


A popular look in certain parts of San Francisco and Brighton I believe :D[/quote]

eh-hem..... :roll:
and to add to the topic, i've seriously considered it.
been bearded for about 5-6 years now....
twain":2uf0cc83 said:
Tazio":2uf0cc83 said:
If ok with all I think we should get pics postedin this thread.

Shaved head?


A popular look in certain parts of San Francisco and Brighton I believe :D

eh-hem..... :roll:[/quote]

Kemptown?? You ever been up St James Street at the weekend? :oops:
Dr S":3qrt11i6 said:
Has anyone dared try the small square below the nostrils combined with a heavily oiled short back and sides?

Now theres a look that will never come back into fashion. :?

It's funny you mention this. I was talking about movember with someone at the weekend and I raised this very point.
Has anyone ever seen someone modelling this look since Adolf made it his own?
Working for Siemens, I don't think it would go down too well in the office if I rolled in wearing one :LOL:
I've already mentioned it but Ron Mael from Sparks like a square tash.

I'm growing my first ever 'tache for this year's Movember.

I'm hoping for either a splendid Zapata or possibly a waxed Salvador Dali effort. But I suspect I'll end up with a "Thirsty eyebrow"