Any Ideas what this frame is ?? modern or old ??

I have tended to only post about Diamondbacks up to now but another brand I know about and have owned and have had five or six over the years is Haro (basically I ride what the firms I work for import!!). Any way back to the point...
That is not a Haro. They have had a number of design,s over the years but never a URT. They tended to have single pivots and my full sus I now ride is an Extreme X3. That has two shock positions so I can see why ishaw thought it
was a Haro but no. I am no expert on full sus but I am of the opinion it is some thing like a DDG or other small brand.
The Taiwan bike book is the size of the biggest phone book you have ever seen and is full of thousands of frames and
fancy CNC,d parts. I expect its from there. No bad thing as the quality of build is as good as it gets.
Just seen one identical to this posted on a local bikes for sale page, lad just bought it says its an 'RST BEEBOB' however google images comes up with nothing, its identical and does indeed have rst beebop or beebob stickers on the downtube!

Pics arent the best, but these are the two he's posted up...
