Anti-theft parts bin sh*tter.

Bike theft is low effort, low risk and high reward.

Bikes are left unattended, often out of the way.
The prize itself doubles as a getaway vehicle.
It's known police won't investigate.
Even a decent lock can be overcome in a few seconds with the right tool.
Easy to sell whole or parted out.

Bike theft is rampant, almost everyone who's owned and used bikes regularly will have had one stolen, or at least know someone who has. Official figures are not to be believed, and some estimates put the real number at more than double.

Many low end and older bikes end up overseas, they fill containers with them and, under the guise of a charity, ship them off to various developing countries. The big money here comes from donations, government grants and subsidies etc, but there is a per bike fee paid by recipient nations.
Operations like the one I had a brush with in Milton Keynes pay bottom dollar for bikes, £5-£25, but to a drug addict a bike a day will keep them supplied. Decent bikes with instant resale value are separated and auctioned off or parted out.

There are professional gangs who understand the value of treasure left chained to railings, with spotters, vans equipped with power tools and no doubt a pipeline to an operation somewhere in Eastern Europe.

Then you simply have the opportunist thieves who want nice things without paying for them. Where beloved bikes end up being ridden to ruin until the time comes to pop out and nab another.

Our generation can still remember a time when we lived in a high trust society. People really did leave their doors unlocked, you could leave a bike leaning against the wall when you popped into the newsagent without fear of losing it. When police would actually investigate bike theft and often get them back. When you could put the feelers out down the pub and some fella would know a geezer who knew a bloke and you could often get them back that way, with a sincere apology. A lost time when our communities were intact.

Sadly parts bin shitters really do have a place in the world we occupy today.
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The rustening begins.

rust2.webp rust1.webp

This is a combination of the oxidizing paint and some rust effect Plasticote.

The work will be added to over the next couple of days by lightly spraying a combination of yellow ochre, burnt umber, matte black and orange paint while simultaneously spraying water onto the paint as it hits. This will add authentic looking runs and staining. More texture will be added by dabbing on rust effect paint mixed with iron filings.
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