Anodise Stripping a helping Hand

+1 for caustic soda. Just keep a careful eye on it though as left for too long it will eat away at the aluminium. Do it in a well ventilated area too as the chemical reaction will produce hydrogen.

Also caustic soda is deadly shit so goggle and glove up.

Can also be bought from focus, and asda.
Mix with water ( it's a powder )

left for too long it will eat away at the aluminium.

Anodise is the colouring of the outer layer of the aluminium , by removing it it's eating away at the part , the difference is how long you leave it . I put a spoon full in a sink full of water and 20 mins later all the parts I put in were black ( the black deposit is the removal of the anodise ) . Take it out and wash off with normal water . Of course if I had left it for hours the intricate parts of alloy will be damaged ( like threads in a crank arm .)

If your sensible it's easy to do .

I haven't had to do something so large it couldnt fit in a bath ( did do a rim though ) but I can't see why you couldn't get a strong enough mix to brush , or sponge on .
i dont think people have a healthy enough respect for caustic soda on here,it is an EXTREMELY nasty chemical,we have to wear full spaceman type body suits when using it at work and shown videos where people have been killed by it...
stew-b":1py3t2q6 said:
i dont think people have a healthy enough respect for caustic soda on here,it is an EXTREMELY nasty chemical,we have to wear full spaceman type body suits when using it at work and shown videos where people have been killed by it...

I just got some from my local hardware store.

Stew-B is right enough. You could ask for an MSDS sheet for any chemical you buy, but you'd probably get some funny looks.
It's not the worst thing in the world , sure in large quantities it can kill ( you can have a light hearted joke with the seller about dissolving bodies in baths if you feel like it ) but so can alcohol and that too can be bought over the counter . Just don't be a numpty when using it and it wont dissolve your hands :LOL: