annoying girlfriend, so i'm going for a nightride!!


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
basically she's winding me up tonight! :x

just annoying women stuff! why didn't i phone when i said i would etc! your in london i'm in southampton and i have a life when your not around etc that's why!!! had just finished a 12hr shift and was knackered etc, just wanted to sit down and get some piece and quiet, is that too much to ask?!

so, and this will annoy her! posted on facebook that "i'm hitting the trails for a nightride!" so i'll go out and get some night pics and beat the living daylights out of which ever bike i decide to take in a minute by which time i'll have gone passed reasonable phoning time and she can wait till the morning to phone me cos my phone will be on ignore mode!

i know it's mean but god, please some time in the quiet of the new forest at night will be great and if i sleep late it doesn't matter cos i have a nightshift tomorrow!

sorry for dumping on you guys! but i'll get some good pics to make up for it! :D
Good for you Fella, enjoy your ride!

hmmm.....must get out for a summer nightride myself, maybe tomorrow.
well, i got back in one piece! really enjoyed that ride, although you don't always realise how spooky your home trails are at night!! :shock: :D
not a person insight for the whole ride, awsome, just what i wanted! :D got a couple of pics, although it has to be said my camera isn't the best so apologies if they don't come out to well!

the 1st one is a little trail that was really spooky in dibden enclosure

the 2nd one is a little bridge crossing in dibden enclosure

the 3rd is a gate crossing a road back into dibden village

the 4th is another trail that has a ft wide bridge crossing a ditch, dodgy at night!


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I don't really do many night rides in the summer, but I should! So different to riding the same trails when it's light... :cool:

Always best to txt em' a message as to what ur doin chap, then get just go do it.
Girls? cant live with 'em can't live without 'em tho eh?

Nice images though, trails look pretty dry too, up here, it's bog city, most of the trails are unrideably wet (6 to12 inch deep in gloopy mud) so much so a lot of the lads are buying road bikes out of boredom!
You said it was spooky, well post those pics on a ghost hunters site they will tell you what all those circular imperfections on your pictures are. They are 'orbs', these are suppost to be spirits that cannot fully show their form. Just thought I'd let you know :shock: spooky stuff indeed.