And today I did......

Dr S":1pc2h73u said:
Wow that looks the baws. Hows it ride??

And Velo, you are an absolute fooking gent, a great credit to MacRetro and beyond. What a great gesture!!

Only ridden across the road for a wee test, in depth pootling next week :) and your right he is a gent and its not the first time, always a good egg 8)
zigzag":1h968lmf said:
Another cracker from the big ring meister! For some reason I thought it was green, not blue. What are the bars? On one fleegles? Need to let me know how those grips work out too. Even the combo brake/shifter units look alright 8) Did you ever figure out how to cut the braided hose?

It actually comes out more a purply colour, and yes they are fleegles, sit quite nice :) When I get new levers I'll work out the hose bit but I don't think I need olives and whatnot, seems quite straight forward.
got anther pair of Graftons So now waiting for the postman to deliver a ti BB to loose anther 3oz off the bike.
tintin40":1ansc2f0 said:
got anther pair of Graftons So now waiting for the postman to deliver a ti BB to loose anther 3oz off the bike.

will this be a fully retro'd trimble? some nice kit anyroads :)
looks the business kaiser- loving it 8)

velo is a top fella 8)

got a sneaky wee 1.5 hrs in at dawn this morning, pretty muddy but keeping me sane as I am working till 8 :?
I'm out tonight. Local group. Muddy singletrack along the river all the way to the coast then north along the dunes and clifftops and then back through the woods and disused railway lines all the way home. 16 miles completely off road but I big ringed the whole route last time (bloody front mechs :roll: )

Think i will take the Wicked Fat 8)
that looks nice chief

went for a wee after dark trundle me self ,up my hill
mudmudmud only highlight was startling a family of pheasants
dam near shit meself, downside of s/s being quiet
do hope it dries out soon

oh do you know a 16" alpinestars cro-mega (92) bare frame weights
2.621 kg or 5.8 lbs ?
done my local hilly ride, felt quite good on the big climb. bit of a shocker coming round a corner into a herd of highland coo's big horns an all :o
Just back from a most pleasant canal path bimble with daughter along to the Falkirk Wheel for roll & sausage, millionaire's shortbread and a coffee. Tyre bloke coming at 3 to replace rear tyre with lovely nail in the sidewall :evil:

Clash of the Titans looking likely for evenings entertainment.

Weather is looking SUPERB for the weekend - 14 degrees! Could there be bike riding afoot?