And today I did......

Re: Re:

keithyr":3socngxz said:
...hows mother and baby doing Clubby, hope all good and you are getting some sleep lol.
Sleep is a luxury of the childless.

Kids will find ways to give you sleepless nights for long after they leave home.... :)
Re: Re:

epicyclo":1tg0lo8v said:
keithyr":1tg0lo8v said:
...hows mother and baby doing Clubby, hope all good and you are getting some sleep lol.
Sleep is a luxury of the childless.

Kids will find ways to give you sleepless nights for long after they leave home.... :)

Isn’t that the truth
Re: Re:

epicyclo":2tsrxbgm said:
keithyr":2tsrxbgm said:
...hows mother and baby doing Clubby, hope all good and you are getting some sleep lol.
Sleep is a luxury of the childless.

Kids will find ways to give you sleepless nights for long after they leave home.... :)

It's ok, I'm 45 at the end of the month, so the chances are I'll be dead long before he ever leaves home :LOL: .............. probably from sleep deprivation.
Keep telling Sharron I'm going for a quick ride. Truth is I'm getting round the corner and getting an hours kip in the nearest poly tunnel. Nice and warm and keeps you dry if it rains ;)

No riding this weekend.
Working yesterday, but did grab an hour in the garage later on to clean up the plus bike and swap to summer tyres. Apologies when the biblical storms arrive tomorrow.
Picnic lunch in the park today with the wife and bairn, followed by ice cream. Worse ways to spend a Sunday.

Hoping to head up to Brechin tomorrow for a wee gravel ride I’ve had mapped out in my head for a year or so.
Wee trip to Comrie croft and a sharp reminder of my lack of fitness. Been getting out reasonably often considering the recent arrival, mostly gravel type rides but decent miles. Definitely hasn't prepared me for the steeper, all or nothing demands of Comrie. Technical riding felt good on the flowy sections, but need to get my head back into the rocky stuff. To be fair, Comrie red and black are pretty full on, and would probably be a grade darker at a forestry commission centre. Ended up with a nice Mark of Zorro on my belly when the bike refused a rock step down but I get going.
Tried the new upper black trails on my last run. Probably not the best idea when I was already knackered. More natural feeling than some of the other trails, but with some big commitment rock rolls (which I naturally walked down the side of). Reminded me a lot of the Laggan black route. Also looked like they were putting in a new trail to the side of the dual slalom track.

All in all good to get some techy trails under my wheels but a bit worried about how I'll cope with the Glentress ride, especially as ZZ will be well acclimatised to the Tweed Valley steeps.

How was the cafe there? ;)
Only been to Comrie the once, but agree the red/black routes are pretty technical.
Makes me think I should get out and ride a bit more technical stuff, it's one of those things where I find I get skill/confidence fade if I've not ridden that kind of terrain for a while
Re: Re:

RobMac":bzb6mrzs said:
Technical ability take so long to build up but can disappear over a very short period :?

Lack of fitness wasn’t helping either. Whole of upper red really needs to be ridden standing up. Having to sit down due to tiredness completely screws up ability to move bike around properly. You also need a good punchy pedal to get through certain sections and the repeated efforts just killed me. Regular gym classes really helped with this before but can’t see that happening soon.
Still really enjoyed the ride though.
Upper red Comrie is hardwork, it's pretty pedally and you don't really get a break.

All in all good to get some techy trails under my wheels but a bit worried about how I'll cope with the Glentress ride
I've mostly got the route figured out now - will give it a whirl at the weekend, weather and wife permitting. I think we've got a reasonable mix so far... some old school in amongst the rooty trees singletrack, and on the downs occasional steepness, but nothing daft. If I can mince it on my Rockstar, you and the 5010 will be fine. There'll be a fair bit of climbing (up to the mast twice), but there's no rush, we'll save our energy for the fun stuff and hopefully it'll be a nice day for a walk :D

Mostly want it to be fun, and take in a few trails we've not done before. I reckon this route is a reasonable mix of that.

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