And today I did......

I meant to say I got diverted tonight on my way to Blairadam due to a bad RTA on the A911 right below Markinch it looked a 'tight wan' :(

And OCP how many cars have you got I canny keep up way you. And who owns that rather divine looking pale blue Fiat, is it a Panda or summit. :lol:
The pale blue Fiat is a Panda, it's my wife's.
The last word I'd use to describe it is "divine". It's a Fiat.

My mate gave me the VX Omega Est for feck all. It's brilliant at swallowing MTB stuff in the back. I can get 2 MTBs in back with seats folded down.
Trouble is it drinks petrol like a hydrocarbon-holic. :cry:
One of my favourite cars Ive owned was a VX Carlton estate when it died I wanted a Omega thinking it was more of the same but ................. :?
rob i think i've found the problem with ye fallin over aw the time....must be that bottle o avon some fecker rammed up yer @rse an yer not sitting on the saddle right lol

when they telt ye it wis bum cream yer meant to take it out the bottle :D

braw wee trundle the night tho, cheers for that mate. lookin forward to pitmedden next week now....jus need to dig out me lights!
I convinced myself that I'd keep the Omega until I "finished" the Corrado, but as a family car it's brilliant, don't think we'd come close to filling it with all our shit.
So if I ever do finish the Corrado I'll find it very hard to get rid of Omega.
Being rear wheel drive it's crap in snow much like the BMW E30 325i I had but much less tail happy. My arse can relax while I'm driving it, the BMW was always exciting to drive fast but was an unseen damp patch on road away from ending up in roadside hedge. Jeez I miss the BMW though.
Been out on the road bike today my arse and my legs struggled to do 30 miles in windy conditions after a night in the woods with Shed :shock:

Last night I got in about 9.30pm and couldn't face food/cooking, today Ive paid for it :?
Did the same this morning Rob - two bridges, one puncture. Those wee CO2 canisters are tremendous though first time I've used them. Back seems to be dealing with the road miles better since I dropped my seat slightly, put on a high rise stem and forced myself to keep relaxing my shoulders. Happy days, and my average is up on last time too.
RobMac":u0mo1j2v said:
Last night I got in about 9.30pm and couldn't face food/cooking, today Ive paid for it :?

Funny you mention that, i've had no appetite all week, thursday i had two cheese rolls and a bowl of soup, that was it, yesterday i didnt eat till 15.30 (did'nt even realise i had'nt ate), ate two rolls and ham, start of the week was much the same :roll:, out on the road bike thismorning struggled to do 15 miles, intended to do 25, :roll:

Built like a racing snake though :lol:
Makings of a nice ride ruined by loose crank. Made it home ok after using 2x 5mm Allen keys as a 10. Used to have a sleeved attachment for a 6 to turn it into an 8 or 10 but couldn't find it in camelback. Probably rusting quietly away in a forest somewhere.