And today I did......

mikee":22wxofo2 said:
dark? switch light on , now you can see

here to help

Take it you got a big book of cracker jokes for Christmas then :LOL:
Naw just more for how long to charge battery etc. connected it to the charging unit and it light up green.....wasnt even plugged in. Charging away quite happily now
those chargers are always a bit flaky , one of mines just stays red ,but seems to charge the batteries properly , tother goes green when charged

done the gazmac test with them yet ?
I've been doing really well recently, even sold some stuff, but today was a bad day. Gone and bought a new frame, 2002 kona scab from crc.

I've got all the parts already and i'm doing a mash up with the rumble. One is going to be a geared with 26" wheels, the other will be singlespeed and 24". Not decided which will be which yet.
Received a fluted seatpost for the Flying Scot for next to nothing :D

When opened I thought it might be too short :cry: .....but on fitting it to frame I find its just right, like Goldilocks' Third Porridge :D
went shopping with wifey
sorry i'll re-phrase that , carried a load of shopping for wifey
but i got a jam do-nut for going ( thats not a euphenism for somthing else BTW) so thats okay

have a million people descending on the house later :roll:
mikee":3c4uyder said:
anyone else experiencing posting problems ?

Use the big red box on the street corner. If you wrap your packet up well enough it should fit in the horoizontal slot near top of said box. Otherwise the process can be a nightmare.