And today I did......

Wind, rain and head to toe goretex. Walking to the shops was an expedition. The bike's a no no in these conditions!!! My jeans get tighter by the hour :shock:
just back from 3and a half hours in the woods with me mates dad,shed and zz
clean (ish) fed and watered
brilliant fun
Due to the fact I'd of never reach Waverley Station in this wind I didn't join Mikee,ZZ,Shed and Rob at Blairadam :(

Instead I walked/staggered into the wind for 5 miles across Midlothian to Lothian Cat Rescue where because I have 'soft touch' emblazoned on me I ended up adopting a small ginger and white cat. I then staggered homeward to tidy up in preperation for 'Beanie's' arrival tomorrow.

So soon I'll no longer be a nutter talking to himself but a pet owner talking to his cat who is still a nutter :LOL: