And today I did......

Today Ive had a very long but productive day, started off by driving to D-ti's gaff for one of his world famous fresh coffee's mmmmmm :) Then him'n'me went to Wheel Craft where he introduced me to Alistair what a brilliant guy and craftsman got two sets of wheels 'fettled' and some bearings fitted while I waited, I left the place feeling like Ive known the guy for years. I'll defo be back there again, I was well chuffed :D
Nearly forgot they have brilliant fresh coffee as well, I wont sleep for 3 days now :shock: get the picture :LOL:
BTW Dyna wait till Ive asked you to marry me before you turn me down yah basa :LOL:

THEN! On the way home I dropped into see the £10 hoor (aka Big.eck) I never left empty handed thats all am sayin :cool:

Good day all in :D

I want to get a good coffee machine in the frame shop when its up and running. Any recommendations??

Another late night working last night. Rolled into bed just after 1am. Lots of work to do again today but hoping to get the headtube finished on the frame I'm making. Going for a really cool Bi-laminate faux lug as made popular in this country just after the war when there was a shortage of real lugs. Looking really cool!
thank f your no gettin hitched to dyna dad
no wanting him for a mum

have you sacked yourself yet ?
If it is a small espresso machine you are after then a Rancilio Silvia would be my choice, been wanting one for years .

But for a workshop environment where mucky hands are abundant you might want a more automated one - my mate has a Philips Senseo, it uses pods a makes a fine brew - he does say not to use the milk part though as it is a pain to clean. He used to have a big £600 fully automatic that was linked to the mains water and all you did was pour in the beans - it broke down often and he replaced it with the philips.
The larger makers use the drip system through the ground coffee through a paper filter.Makes great coffee but with too much made you may be overdosing on caffeine :shock: :LOL:

I prefer these small espresso makers as its just a personal cup or 2 youre making at one time .Plus youre taking time away to make it[about 5 mins],it lets you think :cool:


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