And today I did......

@ gazz

my laddie works for the clydesdale ,quite often at the big one in the weege
got my 26.8mm seat post and attached the saddle... unfortunately accidentally got bladdered after work on Friday, so wheels are at the office... sensibly walked 4miles home at 2am, rather than cycle...
RobMac":p0i7u7xq said:
Today a guy came round to tell me that the attic (stock room) is getting new insulation. SH#T :shock:
Where do I stash quarter of a million pounds worth of bike, motorbikes and car spares. :shock:



Well the shit has hit the fan ........................... their coming on Monday :shock:
Ive stood my bed on its end, Alfs in his kennel outside, Ive jammed every thing from the store room (attic) into every room in the house, Ive got the tent up in the back garden I should be back in the house by Tuesday. If these f#ckers dont turn up my next post will be written from a prison cell :shock:

Wish me luck...............

Sitting in the Blackwaterfoot Lodge on Arran, drinking Red Squirrel Beer - Braw.

Did the northern half of Arran today, 50/50 off and on road. Tomorrow will be mostly off-road.
kaiser":1b0lfo1t said:
Back from Eire, catching up on a bit! SSWC was amazing :cool: :D

Im showing my ignorance here, does the venue move around year to year? And could you do a little write up what it was like.
Stuck at work today but have managed to make some more progress on Strangelove Prototype #2. This one is going diwn to Gil for destruction testing :LOL:

Also entered the murky world of roadbikes. LGF alerted me to a bike this morning with an hour left to run. Quick last minute bid and shes mine.

Not really into road bikes but this one was interesting. Its a 1975 Caloi 10 speed built in Brazil. Looks pretty tidy. Cool thing is it was racer, Emerson Fittipaldi's Pit Bike when he ran the Copersucar Formula One team from 75-79.
Emmo has always been a hero of mine since signing my programe at a non-championship race at Brands back in 77. Can't wait to get hold of it and get it cleaned up.

Not long back from the Craggy Island Triathlon. The 500m sea swim was more like 750m, the 15k mountain bike may have been closer to 10k, and the "hilly" 4k run was in fact a run from a couple of metres above sea level to the highest point on the island (160m?) and down the other side. A pretty tough course but great fun, Kaiser keep and eye out for next year. Finished in 1hr30m53s - was aiming for under 1.30 :cry: Still hoping that'll be good enough for top 50 (of 200) though. On a bike note I took the sunn hardtail and it did well as a race bike, and the most retro there.

Oh, and it was all filmed for The Adventure Show so I might get on telly - if they bleep the swearing!
I'd really like to get back into the Tri thing again, I havent run for years Im planning to start running again in the autumn. But the swim has always been a problem thats why I ended up doing duathlons in stead.