And today I did......

BTW my boss thinks hes a friggin medical expert, he now thinks Im running my self down by cycling to work. I mean what harm will 200+ miles a week do you? :shock:

RobMac":2e6ookfy said:
BTW my boss thinks hes a friggin medical expert, he now thinks Im running my self down by cycling to work. I mean what harm will 200+ miles a week do you? :shock:


I hope I can do that when I'm as old as you Rob :D

I've just had a visit from the legendary Derek Purdey who some of you might remember wrote lots of stuff for MBUK back in the early days and also formed NEMBA. We are working on a series of upcoming articles for Privateer magazine revisiting some of the moments in time that shaped the early days of mountain biking here in the UK.

He has left me the first two volumes of his diaries. It is pure retro gold! Great big lever arch files that weigh a ton! The first two are from 1989 but he has several more files covering 1986 to 1991. I've just had a quick look through and I must say its brilliant. Everything that happened in the North of England and the borders is in there. All beautifully handwritten, loads of photos, race results and reports, stories about the local racers, Lester Noble, Pete Tompkins, the Moonters from Edinburgh etc.
One entry is about the night that they formed the North East Mountain Bike Association which was the first proper club in the UK to run races.

And then theres the bikes- loads of pics from the early races with folk racing without helmets on bikes with bullmoose bars whilst wearing jeans.

There are hundreds of pages to go through. Derek has kindly allowedme to scan it all and post it up on Retrobike. I will make a start on it this weekend and start a thread in MTB chat next week. Make sure you check it out as there is loads of stuff on the beginnings of the Scottish MTB scene.

Off to put the kettle on and get stuck in.

that sounds great Si, looking forward to seeing that and indeed chatting about it next week.

My last day at work today which was pretty sad, albeit got a bing of evans vouchers :D

just read that back- starting my new job with the Clydesdale on monday ;)