And today I did......

Dr S,
Sounds intriguingly nice!

I bought a saddle of Granville, to complement my new 26.8mm seat post... a non-wobbly saddle, who'd have thunk it??!

Dr S - do you have any specialist kit for repsraying your bikes... or do you use spray cans? Tempted to re-spray my old orange (currently matt black). Obviously powder coating would be best, but a couple of cans of spray and some lacquer would be far cheaper - n'est ce pas!

poolio":1sfw5c2y said:
Obviously powder coating would be best, but a couple of cans of spray and some lacquer would be far cheaper - n'est ce pas!

Unless you've already got all the paint knocking about, then a tin of primer, two tins of top coat, tin of lacquer = not much cheaper than powdercoating. Then factor in prepping the frame/forks for painting. Also - stripping the paint? More expense and time.

It's not as hardwearing as powdercoat (although if you use that plasticote lacquer that helps a bit) and obviously much more time-consuming.

JimiHendrix has got a lot of rattlecan experience and his paint jobs are excellent, so he can probably advise. I did it on my Rockhopper purely to see if I could - I was happy with the results, but powdercoating would be my recommendation.
Dr S":36j03aa9 said:
Strangelove? I like it! Kinda ties in.

Yes TK, a big step. I'm hoping to have the new place up and running by January. I'm going to keep the current business running for another year to give the frane shop a chance to get up and running. I already have a handful of frame orders, plus I'm going to do 2-3 demo bikes to send out to various movers and shakers to help build the brand. I've also got several frame repairs and restos lined up. My first frame is almost finished and I'm starting on a second later this month (this is a very special replica frame for myself: some of you know what it is)
Biggest hurdle is finishing the car restorations I have on the go. Once I get rid of this place there will be no space to finish them off so it looks like the next six months or so will be incredibly busy. ;)


Was playing around at lunchtime, first one is based on the movie titles, second one is just me but it seems familiar for some reason....


  • strangelove.jpg
    70.5 KB · Views: 93
Are you a sexual deviant or a Kubrick fan that just happens to love cycling? Strangelove - Stop Worrying and Love the Bike!

Nice work TK, angling for a discount?!?! :D
The Ken":38gm92pk said:
Kubrick ZZ, as Si's nametag is Dr S, but yes I'm as deviant as they get too ;)
Whoops TK, that wasn't meant to be a question for you, more of a tag-line for their first double page ad in Privateer! :D
A bit of progress on the Moho...


Not feeling a huge amount of love for it TBH.

Forks feel very soft, but then they were meant to be DH-specific. A bit more fannying about with the chain-retention device is required (longer bolts on the way)... that or move the single-ring in and fit a bash-guard - may still have chain-line problems.

Maggies are seeping a bit too (I replaced the main lines since they were too short, but neglected to do the short ones that loop over the wheel - guess where they're leaking from). Still feel fine though.

On the plus side, reasonably happy with the wheel re-lace to the 20mm QR hub that I did.

Still got to cable up the gears, resolve my chain retention/line, and fit grips.