And today I did......


Well I got the mech hanger today and it fits fine, but the LX front mech I got doesn't. It's a normal bottom pull front mech and isn't low profile enough to miss rear arm, which I hadn't thought of. I'll now need to find a 34.9mm mech like the one in Rob's pic above on his frame. Even it doesn't have much room.
I've got an old one of that type, a bottom of Shimano heap one, that is 31.8mm that I can make "fit". If I'm patient, a file and a bit of gentle bending of clamp will make it fit, if I'm not, an angle grinder and hammer might see some use. :roll:
The plate type also has a little fixing screw which attaches to a bit on the frame. What you need to do is get your head round the front mech varieties. You get top and bottom swing and top and bottom pull. I think you need a top swing bottom pull, but I'd check this yersell. If I get a chance I'll have a ruckle about the mech box, I had some oddities but they are buried somewhere.
Is this mech band size one of the three standard ones or is it different, I cant see why Marin would make a bike that didn't have a standard fit mech.
Shimano do a mech that is both top or bottom pull dependent on cable routing with the larger band size that comes with shims to fit the two smaller sizes. I have one currently fitted, best of all worlds :)
kaiser, you are correct, bottom pull top swing, that is the type that is fitted to Rob's Marin frame in pic in earlier post.

velo, I think, from what I've read, Shimano make all their new mechs 34.9mm and supply shims for smaller seat-tube diameters.

It wasn't until I tried to fit mech that I realised how little room there is to fit one. Another one to put in my stash, luckily it didn't cost much.
today i tackled a job i was tasked with on saturday
a bit of pruning
hopefully this will stop the wowling about branches and such

trails tidied , job done :lol: