Today i found the missing piece for me Rudy build

i needed one of the brake boss plate things that the canti spring sits in,bloody impossible to find really,the option i was seriously considering was making a copy from mild steel.
Rojo came through with a complete xc100 fork as karma.

i get the plate and boss off and it gives me the same model of fork as on the rudy to practice a service so i dont get any surprises when or if i dismantle it
I just need to decide whether to go the whole hog and have the frame bead blasted and new decals fitted.Adds a bit to the cost of the project,perhaps more than im willing to spend.
What do decals from Gil-m cost? :? ,total of six stickers needed
Then decide if i try to find the elusive xt bits like pedals,seatpost and replace to deore thumbies for XT ones :?
Still a number of jobs to do on it to bring it back totally to spec,might have to change the bars as im using controltech risers[31.8mm]instead of a flat bar,might not be period but it looks like theres a lot more control over the front end :?
Nice to get a bit of time to sort a couple of things :?
Nice wheels Kaiser

My sister has a Zafera[spelling ?] very comfy for everyone front and back,plenty of luggage space to ,shame these people carriers drink so much :?