And today I did......

Belated congrats Kaiser - hope this isn't going to impact on your riding time and/or budget too much!

What could have been a standard rasp around the red at GT today was made special by being the first post-reunion ride with my formerly stolen Norco. Instantly fell in love with it again - if only it weren't so heavy I wouldn't feel the need for any other bikes in my life. Well, maybe one or two more, but that's it!

Other plus points: I'm very fussy with tyres and found some new ones that I love (WTB Dissent 2.5s), off to order some more to come to Chamonix with me next month. I'm also very fussy with saddles and the new WTB Aviator I put on the Norco is very good too. Oh, and I'm quite fussy about brakes and the Avid Code 5s that are now on the Norco are my kind of anchors!
60 km plus, on and off road including riding near off the map and finding yet more local trails I knew not :D

I rode between Midlothian and Borders by bridleway skirting the big scary bulls and chasing a fox. Climbed over umpteen gates before sneaking into the village of Heriot. Slogged around the hills by tarmac then attempted a traverse of the Moorfoot hills by a path indicated on the OS map. As I commenced the path the local sheep farmer asked if I was sure I knew the way. 'Its up this track, over the saddle and traverse the down slope to Gladhouse reservoir, thats right isnt it ?' says I. He laughed quite a bit then said yes before wandering off chortling to himself. That should have been a clue but I went ahead anyway. Blimey several miles of pushing bike through deep grass and marshes following a barely visible quad bike track. Great scenery though, Midlothian spread out before me, magic 8)

Found a potential addition to a loop of singletrack I already know of behind Rosewell. The new bit skirts around a large field in the woodland strips that surround it. Half up, half down 1 foot wide rooty trail providing 1-1.5 miles which when linked with the bit I already know of linked by farm road should make an enjoyable figure 8 loop.

Basically a great days cycling on varied terrain which ended up a long day on the trail. Only started out as a wee bimble but cycling is such addictive stuff. On top of everything Claud my lovely old fuscia pink CB Zagatto never put a foot wrong, a joy to ride :D
velo - sounds like you've got some good trails sorted in your neck of the woods - i must try to come exploring in mid sometime. I've been doing a lot of exploring locally in East Lothian and now have a few good trails with very little on road stuff. A friend of my riding buddy has made a few films of some of the local trails - they're well worth a look. just google for coastrider and check out his blog - if i remember rightly he's put a lot on you tube under coastkid.
I managed to get out yesterday to some local jumps for a bit of practice and managed to bugger my rear wheel :-( but haven't done much today other than sort the wheel and a wee service.
Thanks again all :D everything is going rather well (fingers crossed) :D

Today I managed to get out for a run :o I've kinda let myself go the last year with babies and DIY and a new Domino's opening :oops: but today is the start of a new incentive. Anyhoo went a 10k run and it was hard..and sore :oops: I think its my first run of the year so cannae really expect much and I'm carrying a wee bit extra!
kaiser":23qldekw said:
Thanks again all :D everything is going rather well (fingers crossed) :D

Today I managed to get out for a run :o I've kinda let myself go the last year with babies and DIY and a new Domino's opening :oops: but today is the start of a new incentive. Anyhoo went a 10k run and it was hard..and sore :oops: I think its my first run of the year so cannae really expect much and I'm carrying a wee bit extra!

Didnae know it wis you that had the baby, congrats indeed. :shock:

Anyway if yer breast-feeding the wee bit extra will go. :wink: