And today I did......

Spent a few hours at A and E watching miniKen get his foot xrayed and plastered. Came off his scooter at the skate park.
Today,due to my stupidity.I missed the end of an auction for something I really really needed.
well i didnt miss it exactly,i walked in to see it count down from 1 second to zero
Bloody timing i ask you :evil:
Sold for about 1/3 of its worth :cry: :cry:

This is what you get for doing stuff for other people when youre meant to be watching auction.

Im seriously upset about this but i wont give a link as its still too traumatic :cry:

At least i didnt hurt my foot :lol:
'Get well soon' to MiniKen 8)
Today I finished my shed :) kinda got my DIY mojo back, nothing like a wee garden tool rail to get ye going.
kaiser":1nuqpyff said:
Today I finished my shed :) kinda got my DIY mojo back, nothing like a wee garden tool rail to get ye going.

Need some pics :D no doubt its all custom organized inside 8)
Today I played rugby at our clubs' 30th birthday weekend.
I feel totally fecked after playing 4 half hour games. I played for Glenrothes, as they were short of players, in our wee tournament, then played for us in an over 35's game, then against Fife Southern, then in a game between 2 teams from my club which seemed to last forever.
I feel like I'm going to die. :shock:

There's supposed to be a touch rugby game at noon tomorrow, aye, that'll be right. Think I'll watch the Shanghai F1 race in the morning and then go back to bed till May.
RobMac":3oa9m12l said:
Did a 30 mile road ride, windy but sunny 8)


I bought some good quality digital scales :oops:

What kind Rob :? I've a pair i got 'doon the barras' but they only do to 300g[in 0.10g increments]
I could use ones that i can weigh a whole bike on :?
Their just digital kitchen scales that go to 5000g / 11lbs :?
Although at that range we should be able to weigh
one of Kaiser's road bikes :lol:
dyna-ti":398inxz0 said:
RobMac":398inxz0 said:
Did a 30 mile road ride, windy but sunny 8)


I bought some good quality digital scales :oops:

What kind Rob :? I've a pair i got 'doon the barras' but they only do to 300g[in 0.10g increments]
I could use ones that i can weigh a whole bike on :?

How about this? ... K:MEWAX:IT

El cheapo so don't know how accurate they'll be, but I'm thinking of getting them for weighing bik.. erm, things.