And today I did......

Rumble":21zgjitb said:
Got a £30 voucher from Chainreaction today - on account of my card details being stolen by some cyber-scrotes from their website. Bank were on the ball so I didn't lose any cash in the end so can't complain about the outcome.

Also I'm now just about finished re-building the Norco that was stolen a few years ago and I got back last year. I'll put up a build thread once I've put the brakes on tomorrow night, but I've swapped out the original Jnr Ts for 02 Z1 Wedges, the 26" wheels for 24s, and the Hayes 9s for Avid Code 5s. Looking forward to giving it a thrash somewhere steep this weekend! :lol:

Did you read the thread about the guy with the Gary Fisher that got nicked?
Mr Panda":1h31rzuo said:
Went head first through a glass door in the house this evening after we all tried son's pogo stick in the lounge :oops: No drink involved either :o

Thank fek it was safety glass.

Now sitting in draughty room with empty door frame :cry:

sorry shouldn't laugh but the visual image is hilarious :twisted:
Finally got out on my work bike today after doing a course last night (usual local gov - had to go on a course to prove i could ride!!!) - had a great laugh last night including a damn good wipe out coming down a very steep coal bing - sore ribs today :D - it looks like i'lll be doing a minimum of 20 miles a day at work so gonna be much fitter soon.
been out quite a bit with some mates exploring east lothian and we've now got some ok trails to play around on. Unfortunately I've not had any time to play in the cave so nothing to unveil :(
Today I noticed lots of nice frames for sale on the forum today................ :oops:
Too late Rob :roll: where wur ye eh! where wur ye before ah done it!
See you Kaiser ya selfish bike hoarding bar steward. Hows all these newbies going to get anything decent if you keep snapping up stuff just so it can sit in yer hoose gathering dust awaiting the distant hope you might have time to get it built :roll:

So what you bought then :wink:

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