And today I did......

kaiser":zhiuggnr said:


Are you sure that's a Barbour? Looks like the older Tourist Trophy jacket to me.
Nice bike, btw. I'd be interested if you want to sell Rob. :wink:
Sure ahm sure. Barbour international. google it and you'll see the angled pocket(for your time card allegedly)
kaiser":2i5nyp02 said:
Sure ahm sure. Barbour international. google it and you'll see the angled pocket(for your time card allegedly)

Several 60's Belsaffs had angled pockets. I think that photo is from the 6 day trial in Germany when Steve rode for the USA team. If it is it will be a Belstaff as they gave him and his friend Bud Ekins a load of free gear to plug. They were quite marketing savvy even back then.
Rob, I was looking for a pair of T100 bars a year ago. Charlie Kelly told me they were the Klunker bar of choice back on Humbolt Avenue.
Today I rode GT on the 456. The bike was brilliant, in its element doing what it was designed for :D

GT however was a let down :(

They've destroyed Spooky Wood, its so smooth it felt like a easy blue grade trail with big berms. True you could ride it fast with reckless abandon and hospitalise yourself. At my normal pace it was yawn inducingly unchallenging, I rode over all rocks, dropoffs without fear. This has been redesigned for the jump bike crew who prefer smooth with chance of catching air, gnarly tyres need not apply :roll:

Next two sections of red were their usual grin inducing twisty worn selves, thank goodness. 456 handled it with ease, no numb hands today 8)

Then I discover The Pie Run, Mushroom Pie and the section with the boardwalks are all closed for timber operations :evil: Diversion is a rapid 1 minute descent to the final section on timber road, major scunner :evil:
All that climbing for nowt, poor show :(

Oh well electric blue and final descent were still bloody good and the chocolate flapjack in the hub cafe was particularly fine.

Next time I'll take the diversion they built whilst Spooky was being worked on and try and keep elevation so I can do the free ride park and boom or bust.

Provided there is no snow I might go back on Friday, hols are great :D