And today I did......

clockworkgazz":4s7pxefn said:
He's no man enough fir that much pink and it Looks to big for him anyway :wink:

:twisted: baaaaaawbaaaaaags, recalculated a few things and the fit is good! Mare than man enough anaw fur the pink peril!

So if anyone has any Ultegra 600 or early Dura ace, 650c wheels or minty tri bars and most importantly a Look ergostem let me know!
More to the point, what's under the tarpaulin?

Is that where you're keeping your Glentress gear until it's deloused?
Thats legrandebackdoor! no mine. Car has been through decontam, tent is now in the new hall :shock: I shall get my bawz kicked no doubt if its there a day longer!

Frame is early 90's and may replace my modern tt bike. But aye a lap of Arran would be braw!
Nice indeed! 8) 8) love the colour. Makes the boys wink you know :lol: :lol:

Today i got a mountain of paperwork through from the Jensen owners club archive. It contains all the paperwork from my cars early years (mainy letters of complaint about things not working and falling off culminating on the wiring setting on fire :roll: ).

Cool thing though is that i now know who the original owner was. It was sold new in Romsford by a Rolls Royce dealer in 1970. The owner was a guy called Robin Ellis who played Poldark in the 70's hit TV series. Cool!

My mate recons that he is the father of Sophie Ellis Bextor too but no amount of googling has confirmed this yet.
Nice history but you didn't have sophie ellis bextor in the back of your car :), her mum is Janet Ellis of Blue Peter and her dad was the Bextor part of her name.
The Ken":2rj2rj2y said:
Nice history but you didn't have sophie ellis bextor in the back of your car :), her mum is Janet Ellis of Blue Peter and her dad was the Bextor part of her name.

Oh well, never mind. I will have to try and get her in the back then :wink:

Ding dong and all that :lol:
Santa has come early, Ive just taken delivery of a new frame
its American built, its aluminium, and it weighs 3lbs and its 'ard'
as in 'well ard' :twisted:
