And today I did......

clockworkgazz":3vzdps55 said:
3 better reasons than you could give if asking the same question about buying a alpinestir :wink:

one reason ,no justification

cos i want it

i can never never say that about a generalized
have you been out on the stumpie yet mike- honest opinion?

agree with you, generalized never did it for me bitd along with scott and cannondales- represented american mass production souless bikes but i have been convinced by the ride, still does not set the pulse racing but the geo works for me.
what ever works for you , widnae do to be all the same

jury's still out on the stumpy tho ,not really ridden it enough
but still in the" i want to like it "camp
i think i'll get it painted sometime as the paint's a little tired , its been
repainted at some point but has then had a john machin cycles dealer
sticker attached ,it appears to be a faded red under the bluey/green
which seems to be a rocky colour (the bluey/green that is )
it looks well cool tho ,well from 20 feet anyway
therealkw15":9qhb6i0t said:
That's the boys right enough.

Well, I know for sure that the Magura website doesn't include these in their present service manual section - but further digging produced a 2003 manual which did...

There doesn't seem to be much difference from HS33's - it says that any differences for either HS11's or 66's are highlighted but it only seems to be the adjustment screw for the pads?

There are probably people on here who know how to do it easier or quicker though.

BTW - you should only need to bleed them if you've shortened / swapped hoses or have a leak - the Magura Royal Blood doesn't absorb water like DOT fluid so its pretty much bleed free in regular use.

Also - if you need any special bits for the bleed, ie barbed fittings etc, Tarty Bikes have a good selection...

Hope this helps - if only a little.
Cheers MisterMonkeyWrench, that is very useful, and I've already ordered some bits from Tarty Bikes.

I need to the take the hose off of the lever to feed it through the guides on my frame, hence the bleed requirement.
Just back :D top weekend and the camping wisnae too bad at all! Just uploaded some pics. No bad riding today, headed up to the freeride park and had a few goes. Mini P had an off and kinda took the wind oot his sails but he's fine. Noo need to unload a car full of smelly crap :twisted:
well today i had been sitting about in my boxxers doing feck-all until 20 minutes ago when i was forced to get dressed (the ice cream van was round) :roll: :lol: :lol:

knee's killing me , gona take tomorrow off i think :( on the plus side my hope wheels/brakes should arrive tomorrow :lol:
bought some magura disk brakes so now got everything for the conversion of the saracen albeit might be a wee while longer before I get to build it up to try it for size.
cut the grass ,did a bit of weeding
realised all the pics i took yesterday were rubbish ,cept this one of mr panda doing 200 mph thru spooky
mikee":i3dfga4c said:
cut the grass ,did a bit of weeding
realised all the pics i took yesterday were rubbish ,cept this one of mr panda doing 200 mph thru spooky

That is so cool POTM 8)

You do know that Mr P is a c@nt!