Today I have been crashing my mtb in Craik Forest, which is 14 miles SW of Hawick in the borders.
You guys might just like Craik, it has two way marked trails the longer and better of which is the Crib Law Trail, 11 miles long. Its a long steady climb on forest roads to about half way round then its mostly singletrack back to the start. Feels a bit like GT blue grade trail but with much less maintenance so a little overgrown. Some sweet flowing trail though, a real hoot.
Crash one, I fell off a small boardwalk bridge sideways into a four foot deep drainage ditch

My friend Alison whom I work with and whose parents live 7 miles away laughed loudly as I extracated myself from my trench :roll:
Crash two, messed up the transition from single track to timber road, over the handlebars leaving me spreadeagled on the road

More hilarity from Alison. She did not crash once although due to over cautious nature of her riding style its likely she'll need new brake pads
Now knackered, 120 mile round trip but bloody good fun, I'll return to Craik