And today I did......

I've looked at these modern forks before, often wondered how they compare to the retro MCU/coil forks in terms of performance and whether they could be used as donors to resuscitate a proper retro fork with knackered internals.

An interesting experiment if nothing else - and also, would you not have been better using those Z3s?
Judge Lord Bannatyne told Stankiewicz: "I am clearly of the view that the only sentence open to me is a substantial custodial one."

Hardly substantial - reduced from 7 because he pleaded guilty - he had no licence or insurance and was pissed - FFS :evil:
Received these things:

Magura! by therealkw15, on Flickr

Road bike Maguras for the Kevin Winter frame which should be here by now, but isn't. Parcelforce 48 becomes Parcelforce 96, again. Front and back sets for £28, seems fair enough to me, although they need new pads.
£28 is fantastic, they are quite rare and are worth more than double that.
Didn't even know you could get road bike maguras.

You could stop a fully loaded tourer coming down the Alps with those.

Well impressive 8)
Smart looking bit of kit, great price.

I on the other hand have just took delivery of an eBay chainring, described as 'used', better term would be 'damaged'. :evil:
therealkw15":1f6jrg4e said:
Received these things:

Road bike Maguras for the Kevin Winter frame which should be here by now, but isn't. Parcelforce 48 becomes Parcelforce 96, again. Front and back sets for £28, seems fair enough to me, although they need new pads.

:shock: :shock: Fucksake,thats a rare bit of kit
Well done indeed 8)

Even if it had been parcelforce 192 i'd have wet myself opening the package.

Worth way more than double :?