And today I did......

Subscribed to that new Privateer mag last night. It's not cheap (£25 for 3 issues, each issue comes out every 2 months).

The good thing is if you don't like it after the first issue, you can cancel the direct debit, so you get a free mag :) As an added bonus, our very own Dr S appears in the first issue :D
Lots of RetroBike flavor in that mag. First edition has Charlie Kelly, The Guvnor, MrKawasaki, Ameybrook and Rumfy in it.

Looking forward to seeing it.
Today I got myself some new shorts in the Evans sale, some lovely Mavic ones :) I'm also very close to laying out some moolah for one of these


Could be all the bike I ever need :o
Surely you mean Privet-eer, you hedge fiends.

Today I did the first of my season end quadrilogy of bike fun things (big run next weekend, Ullapool, and Glentress being the others), viz. the Rousay Lap, a 13.1 mile race of relentless windy undulation.

I finished in 48m50s, in sight of the third place guy, so I was quite pleased with that, given I was lugging my flabby 187lbs around the island. Only 16.1mph average, but bear in mind that our local time trial hero won at an average of 17.6mph, when he'd be doing 25+ in a flat 10 mile TT... Yes, I'm protesting too much, it was slower than I wanted.

As a bonus I also wasn't passed by the tall redhead who was going to administer an asswhipping. Maybe that wasn't a bonus after all.
RobMac":334q147z said:
Well and truly smashed through the 1000 mile barrier
on the Dawes Galaxy today.
And I haven't even toured on it yet.

Meant to say yesterday I cycled to and from my work a round trip
of 40 miles, I had the company of my Gaffer on the way back a club
champion (road) lets just say I kept the pace brisk :twisted:
kaiser":2m4qky6w said:
Today I got myself some new shorts in the Evans sale, some lovely Mavic ones :) I'm also very close to laying out some moolah for one of these


Could be all the bike I ever need :o

Looks like it's had something dropped on it from a great height :) , is that a tapered headtube ?, whats that mahoooosive bracket on the seatube ?

Finaly got the Polo MOT'd thismorning, had done all the prep so knew it'd pass, just had to get the time to take it to the garage.

Gave my kitchen a good clean thisafternoon, fridge, cooker, microwave the lot, it's all Rock and Roll round here i tell ya :lol:

Oh, i did take the DH8 and the new rims into Johnston when i got the Polo back at lunchtime to get the wheels built, took the frame in as the rear seems to have a heavy offset/dish :? , will need to check with Eck on that, anyhow the place was shut :x , friggin wasted journey.
jimihendrix":3pzj92ah said:
kaiser":3pzj92ah said:
Today I got myself some new shorts in the Evans sale, some lovely Mavic ones :) I'm also very close to laying out some moolah for one of these


Could be all the bike I ever need :o

Looks like it's had something dropped on it from a great height :) , is that a tapered headtube ?, whats that mahoooosive bracket on the seatube ?

The top tube is bent like that for guys with massive bawz. And it is a tapered head tube and the big wart on the seat tube is a derraileur hanger.