And today I did......

Today there's loads of snow and I'm cursing.

Not the snow. I've broken myself again.

Been training my grand-daughter for her military fitness test, taking her for long runs around the 'Puffer up the hills in the snow and ice. This is the second time I've done it. First time pulled a muscle or something in my leg. This time slipping on ice, my studs caught and my ankle got to an interesting looking angle.

One bonus, if anyone needs extras for a Zombie movie, I have mastered the lurching walk.

One negative, I don't think I'll be able to don a wig and padded bra, and do the military fitness test for my grand daughter now.

Maybe it’s a sign, a higher power telling you to stick to 2 wheels instead of 2 feet.

Or maybe you should put some wheels on your feet? Tried roller skates?? :lol:

I told you mate, that running stuff will kill you, you should use your legs for what god intended, pedalling. Lots of snow up here this morning and at lunch when I came out the PM room it was -7.
Stay safe dudes, and Brian there are lots of other opportunities to wear a wig and bra.

Well today was a very full on day at work but it was also very cold, even compared to yesterday.
We were in the PM room until about 1 pm and I thought it must have warmed up a bit but I checked outside and despite the sunshine it was still -7 :shock:
It did warm up a bit by the time I did a trip into town at 3.30 as it was -3.
This morning when I drove to work I crossed the Thurso river and it was all iced up and it was like a slow slushy movement of water under the bridge. I pulled over and took a photo and it was all but stopped this evening on the way home. Some great cloud formations about all day as well. This one was the snow coming in from work when I pulled in.


IMG_5046 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5052 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_5057 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Shovelled snow off my paths and away from car all day. Edinburgh and Lothians seldom see this amount of snow, over a foot in under two days. At least I am a bit more used to it living below Pentland Hills but the toonies (Edinburgh folk) are fair shocked by it all :shock:
Im actually very glad it snowed.
The last fall a few weeks back I went to the trouble of swopping the road slicks for knobblies, and the day after the damn stuff all melted :facepalm:

Now it's back :D

Besides the countryside in winter if its just rain rain rain looks shit, the mud, the bare trees,the grey skies, it all looks so depressing.
That blanket of white makes everything look clean and sparkly

Pretty spectacular photos as always Jamie !!

It was a chilly early morning start for me, up at 4am, the temperature on my dashboard was saying -10 :shock: I’ll be finished early though so might get a ride in, or investigate the play I noticed in my rear Hope hub.

I really “Hope” it’s not the bearings as I looked them up and it’s £50 for a set, just for the rear wheel!! (5 bearings in 3 different sizes), and that’s if I fit them, I dread to think how much it’d be at a shop, I might as well just get new(er) wheels!

I have a love/hate relationship with Hope kit, it’s beautifully made and I like that you can replace every part, but there always seems to be something that needs attention, and not often cheap.
Shimano stuff just seems to work, and keep on working, until it eventually dies completely.
Re: Re:

jimo746":u96jx7kn said:
I really “Hope” it’s not the bearings as I looked them up and it’s £50 for a set, just for the rear wheel!! (5 bearings in 3 different sizes), and that’s if I fit them, I dread to think how much it’d be at a shop, I might as well just get new(er) wheels!

What flavour of hub Jimo? Get kits much cheaper on eBay. Check out Blueseal bearings on eBay. Front and rear kit for £25. Then all you need is a friendly retro biker who can post you the relevant tool kit that he may well have sitting in the garage :wink:
:facepalm: I need to replace all the bearings on a set of pro2's F&R. Been putting it off as not just the bearings but the drifts as well :(

Although the downside with the cheaper 99p for 10 bearing is they never like going in where they are smooth, and always seem notchy, I guess its better than whats there :?