And today I did......


If you took the attitude " if it ain't broke, don't fix it" then nothing would ever change. Solid metal tyres cart wheels were tried and tested, so why try anything different. Because maybe something can be gained by change eg pneumatic tyres were a change and it took some time to get it right. Airless tyres are an attempt at something different and although its not there yet why shout it down as a stupid idea. Don't get stuck in your ways, the past has a lot going for it but so has the here and now as well as the potential of the future.

I can see what dyna is getting at, why sacrifice performance for the convenience of no punctures? Especially as, in general, punctures are so infrequent. OK for lots of us tubeless is a messy faff but you can get stuff to put in a tube to seal punctures, can't you?
This would fill me with dread "Here is hoping for dry weather as airless tyres tend not to be too good from a grip perspective in the wet." We live in Scotland, good luck with it being dry.... Offroad it doesn't bother me too much about skiting and falling off in wet/muddy conditions but on the road, on wet tarmac, with a big feck aff bus behind you? Feck that. :roll:
You've gone back to the solid cart wheel era I would suggest.
Re: Re:

velomaniac":1eggmc57 said:
If you took the attitude " if it ain't broke, don't fix it" then nothing would ever change. Solid metal tyres cart wheels were tried and tested, so why try anything different. Because maybe something can be gained by change eg pneumatic tyres were a change and it took some time to get it right. Airless tyres are an attempt at something different and although its not there yet why shout it down as a stupid idea. Don't get stuck in your ways, the past has a lot going for it but so has the here and now as well as the potential of the future.

Not shouting anything down V :lol: jus' mentioning in passing tyres todays are just about design, with specific tread pattern at specific pressures in specific conditions, ie road or offroad.

Now I can see the benefits, although what we are talking is specifically punctures, and we already have addressed that issue with tyres containing puncture resistant casings, as well as aftemarket liners lining tyres.

So what are we replacing with ? foam, which has its own issues along the lines of if you sit it on one spot, they flatten and hold that shape for a while before evening out again.
Other issues that spring readily to mind is the tyre needs to move, and replacing extremely pliable air with anything else is going to lower its pliability.

Bloody hell, you can get anything in Amazon :shock: :shock: Although im surprised you oldies would be capable of making use of it :lol:
Oh god! I clicked on that link expecting bicycle stuff. :)

Now my pages are going to be infested by that sort of thing popping up on the adverts...

Now to attempt a deep cleanse on my viewing history.