And today I did......

The History Man":xgjfevym said:
Shimano brakes have mineral oil which is non corrosive, unlike those crappy other ones with the dot fluid in them...........

So corrosive that all the 20 year old Hope brakes have been eaten away :)

Royal Mail don't care either way, they'll bin both types if they scan them.
Re: Re:

RobMac":3i55itak said:
What were you riding?

Cube Stereo 160 which is a lot of bike, upgraded with coil shock and the tyres have been changed... been my weapon of choice for the last year or so while I save for a Santa Cruz...

After the last few days of pissing rain accompanied by blustery winds I went out and did a big loop taking all the natural beauty spots of Leven :facepalm: and clocked up 20 miles, the ground was trying to dry out so no real grip issues this time out. Towards the end my back was aching a bit due to running out of steam, no water and running low on fuel didn't help but my engine seemed to be OK, I noticed as I got tired my riding form was beginning to go, hence the sore back.

I don't want to "crow" but I'm hoping "maybe" thats my form/mojo coming back (fingers crossed) :?

I reckon you'd leave me in your dust (mud) at the moment Rob :LOL:
Hardly turned a pedal since I did Mt Keen with Clubby earlier this year as a few days after that I started having problems with my leg. Docs finally figured out I have a DVT in my leg, so hope to start doing some steady rides soon :)
Time off the bike has meant more time tinkering though, so it's not so bad :LOL:

We all have good days and bad on the bike Rob, try not to read too much in to it (hard not to I know).
Fingers crossed you're back to normality though and can ride with confidence again.
My food intolerances/allergies (or whatever it is, not quite sure tbh) mean I've got no energy some days to the point I can barely do anything with any enthusiasm. It can be very frustrating not knowing why you feel crap one day and great the next :?
I'm not letting things go with the GP now though and determined to get to the bottom of the way I've been feeling the last few years.

Glad to hear you've got things sorted too Jim :D
Re: Re:

jimo746":yhwghnuy said:
I reckon you'd leave me in your dust (mud) at the moment Rob :LOL:
Hardly turned a pedal since I did Mt Keen with Clubby earlier this year as a few days after that I started having problems with my leg. Docs finally figured out I have a DVT in my leg, so hope to start doing some steady rides soon :)
Time off the bike has meant more time tinkering though, so it's not so bad :LOL:

Bloody hell Jim, you're a bit young for that nonsense. No wonder you've been having such a bad time. You getting done Fragmin to try and break it up?