And today I did......

Re: Re:

RobMac":3q414sv6 said:
I done my shopping run a bit earlier in light rain, light wind, cool temps and suitably dressed and it was quite pleasant :)

For you maybe.


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No more pics of naked folk thanks :)

Discovered the clunk coming off the drivetrain was all the ring bolts had loosened off. Thank goodness id stopped before it tore itself up.

These darned alloy chainring bolts. Scared to tighen them fully. Mibbe back to steel :?

Back to steel.
My mate had this and lost a bolt. He carried on riding and ended up bending the mounting tabs and totally wRping the ring.
Aluminium bolts have no place in load bearing applications, especially chain rings and disk rotors.

Sorry if I'm boring the mammaries off you with these post ride write ups but their marginally more interesting than Keith getting pissed every night :mrgreen:

Did my mid week loop without a stop, didn't set the heather on fire but I was riding pretty strong.
Only fly in the ointment was my arse was nippin, cycle baggy's and a G-strings not a good combo :facepalm:
15 miles and much much less time in the granny :shock:

"May the improvement continue".
Re: Re:

RobMac":1mzmiugx said:
15 miles and much much less time in the granny :shock:


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