And today I did......


Did I say I got a shock for the Weasel?
Obed finished this month.
Jim running that Zaskar has got me itching to get mines on the road again.
Re: Re:

RobMac":nzabvaqf said:
I've got a hiccup with my Heckler build the lock out switch is fouling the frame :?

Pfff... what do you want a lockout on the shock for anyway? It's a full-suspension bike! Just don't use the lockout lever, or fit the shock the other way up, or get a shock without lockout.

And you only weighed 3 of your bikes?? What about the rest of them??? :)

Reg the Heckler its the front shocks I'm on about, I had thought about removing/blanking off the lock out switch.

Also regarding weighing the rest of the bikes .............................. I don't have the time to do them all :facepalm:
Why are you all so disrespectful to Robert? I tried to buy some wheels recently and despite his aggressive attitude, he eventually agreed to a deal.


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Woke up ready to go out on the road bike. Weather looked shite, cold, foggy. Went back to bed.
This afternoon the sun came out so I changed the forks on my Orange for the RC-30's, I'm going to get a shorter stem and riser bars for it, to make it more rideable, in its current state I don't really enjoy riding it with its stretched out cockpit and narrow flat bars.

Went for a ride on my road bike today after doing some upgrades/alterations. Dropped the big ring from 52 to 50, also changed cassette. The cassette was 9 speed and I'd rebuilt it last year by adding a 30 sprocket after dismantling it to re-arrange/change most of them to give ma auld legs a better chance of getting up 12+% hills. Found out that the brifters which are Ultegra 6600, are 2x10 speed but had indexed fine with the 9 speed cassette but with an extra click at bottom end of cassette. Duh, should have dawned on me way sooner. :facepalm:

So needed a new 10 speed cassette so got a 11-32, taking the chance the Ultegra 6600 short cage rear mech might not work over this range, think it's maximum sprocket is 27 with a total capacity of 29, front and rear difference combined, but it had worked fine with the 30 tooth and a total capacity of 32 with the 38-52 chainrings. Needed a new big ring anyway so got the 50 in an attempt at reducing the total capacity since I was adding 4 teeth over the maximum it's supposed to work with, it's now 33. A wee tweek of B-tension screw to move top pulley away from 32 sprocket and end stops to take in to account the wider cassette and it was indexing fine. There's still movement in cage when in big/big gears, not much but shouldn't be running in those gears for any length of time only by accident really.

Rides great, easier up hills but what about the 12% you ask, well it's definitely a tad easier but the final limiting factor is ME , bollocks, I'm too auld tae play this game. :roll:
Today I rode to work this morning on the Mercian. Loaded up with all my stuff for work I set off in glorious sunshine, a really beautiful morning. It was forecast to rain around 4pm and while it was meant to be a good amount, I thought I would still take my chances, might pass by the time I finish at half five. No chance, it just started bucketing about 2 minutes before I walked out :) wasn't bad and was still a nice ride home. I arrived home in glorious sunshine yet again, but you could see it raining all over the area, patches of sunshine or rain, everywhere you looked.
About 12 miles or so each way I think so at least I got in a ride.
