And today I did......

highlandsflyer":36m29d4d said:
so perhaps those who spend the most on builds might actually have less in the bin. If it is just for fun, who really cares?

This is certainly the case for me. My parts bin consist of odd size stems and seatposts, some tyres and various brake pads and mech hangers. I may buy expensive parts but I generally don't stockpile. If I upgrade a part its because I have to, otherwise I shuffle the old one down the line or sell it on. A bargain is only a bargain if you need the part regardless if it's 50p or £50. The only bike I've consciously kept parts back for is the fat bike. I've a front and rear mech, plus a pair of bb7 calipers, all taken off bikes I've split and sold.

Sorry Velo, but I read your comment and also thought it was aimed at Col. I think a parts build ride would be a good idea, even if only to get a bit of enthusiasm going round here.

Think and do as you like, no digs were aimed at anyone, no names given, facts as I see them were simply stated.

People keep saying that retrobike is not important enough to get riled about, its just for fun and then two folk claim I'm having a go at someone, accusing someone of cheating ffs.

Increasingly I feel less inclined to come in here.

I am going to Mayhem with retrobike because its populated by middle age guys who not only like old bikes but actually ride them and prefer them. They intend to have a laugh, relive the past and get drunk plus of course ride old bikes and talk nerdy crap about them. Thats why I joined retrobike.

I feel more in common with them than with MacRetro sometimes :(
V. Personally I dont think you were having a pop at any particular member. :cool:

But I would say you buy too many cheap bikes.

Example - Im currently selling bits off. Basicsally because I buy some many bits that I cant actually afford an entire bike or frame. I havent even began on the high end stuff but already the base bits have recouped £900.

Perhaps not buying a bike because its cheap is the answer.

I have less income than any of you. PERIOD. So It cannot be about income and is instead about buying choice.
Ive no idea if youve an ebay page V. But might be an idea to do as im doing - sell off the meat and get something modern.

Maybe ask permission before buying something :p :LOL: :LOL:

In my opinion, saying that a parts bin special is just an excuse for people to show off how big their wallets are is incredibly insulting whichever way you slice it up. That is why I felt the need to defend myself, we each have our own way of doing things and that's what makes this place interesting. I could really care less how anyone else chooses to get their kicks out of old/new bikes (or how much they spend on them) as long as they're having fun doing it is all that matters.

There's no obligation for anyone to hang round MacRetro exclusively all the time (or go on MacRetro rides for that matter) so feeling less inclined to frequent here is up to the individual (just don't burn any bridges on the way out is all I'd say).

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts"
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old_coyote_pedaller":3kpyatya said:
Eff it, guys, let's go bowlin'.

Like this? I reckon it'd suit you OCP :LOL:
(Isn't that you, middle of picture in the black waistcoat?) :?

Anyway, jesus! I wish I'd never mentioned the "parts bin special" thing now :facepalm:
My thinking was that members could vote for the "best" parts bin bike, which to me would be the shittiest looking pile of bike bits that's still rideable, so personally I'd vote for a bike equipped with shonky Shimano Tourney or something before one with battered old XTR.... but that's just my opinion.

Back on topic..... today I had a ride around my local woods. After spending much time recently on the road bike or bike trainer it was a nice change to be sliding the MTB about in the mud, and a LOT of fun :D


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Re: Re:

jimo746":3dbovklr said:
Back on topic..... today I had a ride around my local woods. After spending much time recently on the road bike or bike trainer it was a nice change to be sliding the MTB about in the mud, and a LOT of fun :D
Today I had trip to the shops on the bike, adorned with ma tammy and Carradice courier bag ended up doing a 12 mile (approx) off road loop walked into the shops thinking whys every body staring at me. When I got home and looked in the mirror ow boy.
I looked like the creature from the black lagoon :facepalm:

A bit disappointing but today I've come to the conclusion that my present fitness is piss poor.
I'm gonna have to do summit about it in order to enjoy my rides again rather than just hanging on during a ride :?
Re: Re:

old_coyote_pedaller":3p0vxgd0 said:
"Yeah, know, that's just like, ah, your opinion, man" The Dude.

And then there's "alternative facts".

Eff it, guys, let's go bowlin'.

Just don't pee on my rug ;)