And today I did......

Re: Re:

RobMac":80oy4kqx said:
Sooooooo ........................ tarp + bivvi bag = (damp, cold, misery) :facepalm:

No necessarily, we camped and bivied with friends next to the Dog Falls in Glen Affric in June last year. We'd planned on a walk in to one of the Munroes but that didnae happen after somebody broke a window on my car so we couldn't leave it as was.
Remember the summer last year? Feckin warm so inside the Goretex bivi bag it wis bilin' but I couldn't unzip it as the midges were on a mission to eat me to the bone. Kept waking up in a panic as it was stifling trying to breathe the hot air inside bag.
The midges were so determined to get in I could hear them hitting the outside of the bag making a sound like drizzly rain. Woke up at one point and realised the midgie dive-bombing noise was gone, unzipped the bag and breathed in the much cooler air outside, relief, then fell asleep. Woke up soon after with midges eating me alive. Zzziipp.
Worst night of my life. Bivied in the pishing rain and cold before but I'd prefer that to what I went through that night.

So Rob if you do bivi when it's warm and there's midges wear a guid midgie net ower yer heid so you can have it ootside in the fresh air and make sure the top of yer bag is sealed tae keep oot the wee bastards.

You might have realised from the above story that I'm still traumatised by that experience. :shock:

Camping one January weekend in Glen Doll around 3 decades ago :shock:

We got up and started moving reluctantly around in the freezing damp misery.

Got ready to go up something, all looking worried and still shivering.

Porridge and Oxo consumed.

A shout went out to wee Alec - Hey Alec are you ready yet we're going up the hill soon.

A feeble reply from Wee Alec - Fuk off its too fukkin cold to go snow climbing.

True :xmas-big-grin:

Several hours later myself and two others (Willie Wilson and John someone who drove a white Volvo Amazon) were heaped up at the bottom of an avalanche slope. Broke me bleedin compass it did, and got an axe through my Javelin jacket :cry:
January a few years back. Temp was about -8 inside the tent. Fook knows what it was like in the wind. I reckon not knocking the arse off -15c
A wee bit out of focus due to shivering :LOL:

Outside you make the personal choice Alec :cool: and i remember from the short meeting with the both of you that MrP has 30 years of Ale insulating him :LOL:


  • Rannoch Moor in January 001 (Custom).JPG
    Rannoch Moor in January 001 (Custom).JPG
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Well I woke up today a bit stiff .................................. yeah it still happens even at my age (basa's).
I was at my origami class last night and the youngsters (25-45) are taking the grappling a bit to seriously
so I think its time to "unleash some pain" :twisted: and learn no tay f#ck way the Mac :mrgreen:
Re: Re:

RobMac":3fy348x4 said:
Well I woke up today a bit stiff .................................. yeah it still happens even at my age (basa's).
I was at my origami class last night and the youngsters (25-45) are taking the grappling a bit to seriously
so I think its time to "unleash some pain" :twisted: and learn no tay f#ck way the Mac :mrgreen:

Rob, I'm feeling the same as you today, mair than a wee bit stiff, though like you no where I'd prefer :p, and sair as feck.
Was playing in the Madras RFC oldies tournament in St Andrews yesterday, 5 15 minute games :roll: take it's toll. Playing full-back in last game I ran back to pick up a kick ahead and when I turned to run back found I was running towards 3 of them, got absolutely flattened by 2 of them but still held onto ball for our forwards to take. One of my team-mates on other side of pitch said he heard the impact from there, I heard nothing :LOL: but my ribs are sair. Nae sneezing or coughing allowed. :facepalm:
As you say messing wae the youngsters, at my age most of the guys I play against are 15-20 years youger, is sure to guarantee it's gonna hurt. Still managed to get in a few hits myself though so all is well. :D