And today I did......


Did my usual short Friday after work loop. Only thing different as I am slow to new things,
Had My tracks and my trusty cateye running at the same time, 6.5 miles, 1550 ft., 41:48.
Fairly close comparison, was very intrigued by the elevation aspect.
All of a sudden not feeling my age quite as much. Off for a frothy beverage now. :LOL:

Today I'd planned a wee local mtb blast but as the day went on so did the enthusiasm . Nevertheless I decided to get the Concorde out for a whirl, turned out to be a nice wee sojourn :) unfortunately I'm not sure if the bike has a future, I'm afraid its just not working for me I suppose. You really need to be in the drops to brake, and I'm spoiled by riding on the hoods of my modern bike, not so here as they are very uncomfortable. I'd always hoped to use it for some casual bimbling but its just too racey for this.

Dusk ride on the Flying Scot. Lots of crows flying about. Combine harvesters and tractors a plenty. lights on, hat on, and fleece fully zipped up :cool:
all sounds wonderful, head screwed with statistical analysis pash till 1am ffs

but them I'm off on holiday for the next two weeks, taking a road bike, a mtb bike, walking boots, couple of fishing rods and the family :xmas-big-grin:

End of week one in "Disneyland Canada" and feeling pretty shattered. Six riding days so far ranging from a couple of hours up to 4-5. Four xc days and two days in the bike park. Last photos were from the Top of the World chair at 7000ft, just before the 5000 vertical ft descent which took 1 hour 45! Also been down to Squamish for some semi-shuttled riding. Still had to ride up 45 mins but the shuttle run thankfully saved another hour. Gave Kaisers video jump a miss but still did some pretty gnarly runs. Getting used to crazy rock rolls but need to work on my tight, roots switchbacks. At least I should be flying through The Pie Run. Took day of yesterday after a late night on the town, and went zip lining instead. Pretty fun, including Canada's longest, highest run. Google Superfly Whistler.
Been really hot but much needed rain arrived today. Forecast showers for next few days then back to sun by mid week.
Think a couple of easy days are in order then back to the bike park for final assault. Lift riding might sound easy but arms and legs were destroyed, the braking bumps have been horrendous because of the dry weather. Hoping they fix them up soon. Need to stalk the photographer one day. One not bad photo of me online so far but it's $25 per image so I want a better one for that money.
See you in a few weeks if I survive!

Clubby, That sounds like my ideal holiday :D

I've just woken up and had an epiphany :) , I now realise I just don't like road bikes and would much rather be riding a mountain bike (unfortunately I brought my roadie over to Aberdeen with me this weekend, really wish I had my MTB instead).

I'm going to sell my road bike :D

Roll on the off road riding! :D :D :)

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