And today I did......


Nae compass? We bumped into a group led by a guy on Bidean nam Bian in Glencoe one winter, snaw, mist, howlin wind and it wis feckin cauld as eff. He had gotten them lost, asked to have look at our map, wouldn't get his out, couldn't admit that he actually didn't have one. If we hadn't shown them the way down, there would have been a MR call out for them. Got to the stage they ignored the guy "leading" them and listened to and followed us.

Lorna and I biked round the loch last Saturday evening, enjoyed it but found the new bit too artificial but very glad it's completed. Reasonable distance of 13.5 miles, plus around 2 miles on road to get to nearest point to us.

Down in London sorting my 40th birthday frame build. Met with frame builder this morning to sort out fine details and off this afternoon to get vital statistics measured at Cyclefit.
Whole process quite exciting, I just hope it turns out how I see it in my head. If it doesn't work out I can't blame the builder, he just won Best in Show at Bespoked.
Re: Re:

Well that cyclefit was a bizarre experience!
Good news is sizing wise my current 29er is a pretty good starting point, just needing to be a bit longer in the top tube, which is what I wanted anyway. Saddle height good with nice linear pedalling style. Got some tips on body position to generate more power with no extra perceived effort. Quite amazing watching torque curve jump 10% by just keeping back straighter.

kaiser":3qb4d19l said:
:eek: :cool: More details! Saffron frameworks? What type of bike?

In answer to your 3 questions.

All in good time. Might be lucky and see bike before my 50th!
Yes Saffron, been talking for a month back and forward, but time to commit to it and get tubing ordered.
Lefty 29er, but not as you know it :)

2 hours in Blairadam this afternoon doing a wee bit more exploring after reading about a trail mentioned on the Blairadam thread on TrailScotland. It's an old trail that went off the RHS of footpath to viewpoint above the Glen Trail. It had been blocked by downed tree and someone made a new start to it but it was more than a bit muddy. I went about 20mts further along footpath and cut some fallen branches to clear a drier entrance to it using more of old trail.
Was surprised how muddy it has become again in there after it had dried out fairly well a couple of weeks back.

Picked up a(nother) pair of American Classic skewers from Ebay....seems I might be collecting retro stuff again :facepalm: I have a notion of shopping about for anything that takes my interest with a view to actually doing something with it in the future when I have a bit more free time and try not to get too hung up on all the stuff I have in boxes.

Managed out a nice fat bike pootle last night too :)
Re: Re:

kaiser":1gukobt4 said:
I have a notion of shopping about for anything that takes my interest with a view to actually doing something with it in the future when I have a bit more free time and try not to get too hung up on all the stuff I have in boxes

Are you quoting from "The Book of Rob" again?
Re: Re:

clubby":161230us said:
Well that cyclefit was a bizarre experience!
Good news is sizing wise my current 29er is a pretty good starting point, just needing to be a bit longer in the top tube, which is what I wanted anyway. Saddle height good with nice linear pedalling style. Got some tips on body position to generate more power with no extra perceived effort. Quite amazing watching torque curve jump 10% by just keeping back straighter.

kaiser":161230us said:
:eek: :cool: More details! Saffron frameworks? What type of bike?

In answer to your 3 questions.

All in good time. Might be lucky and see bike before my 50th!
Yes Saffron, been talking for a month back and forward, but time to commit to it and get tubing ordered.
Lefty 29er, but not as you know it :)

so you goin to be giving posture classes to the macretro posse?

Alright fellas, I'm back! What do you mean you didn't notice I was gone?! What did I miss?

Hardly any bike action in the past 6 months, moving house, collecting wood for the stove, work, fitba back to uni part-time put paid to all that but got out at the weekend. From my new gaff in West Lothian, short road section over to the A70, cut over the hills to West Linton then back over the Pentlands to Kirknewton, A71 home - about 57k, probably 80% off-road but a fair bit of walking and it took me 7 hours!

This afternoon me and my charity team had a wee leisure ride round the Loch Leven foot/bike path (12.5 miles OCP ;) ) apart from the fly's/midges it was really braw :cool:
Would be excellent for young kids and inexperienced cyclists (its very safe).

Next FRIDAY is the big day :facepalm: