And today I did......

velomaniac":1powq5mb said:
That was me on Saturday, felt good to ride the bike again but I overdid it. Need to learn to take it easier when getting over illness :roll:

I know how you feel V :? Im still in the throws of this viral lung thingy and pumped up the tyres today. Bad idea but its murder not even being able to cycle to so much as the shops.
I keep turning the wheels so they dont seize up :LOL:

Plus point over all of this is they put me through a big bank of tests. The type that would reveal any lurking sinister things like cancer and its ilk. Seems my difficulties on hills is just down to unfitness, lifestyle and lack of proper nutrition :? With nothing really wrong i can commit to riding a lot more
dyna-ti":3gj1zj6i said:
...Seems my difficulties on hills is just down to unfitness, lifestyle and lack of proper nutrition :? With nothing really wrong i can commit to riding a lot more

By any chance did they check you for DVTs?

I was having problems with quickly getting breathless about 6 or 7 years ago.

I put it down to not enough exercise so I started flogging myself up hills and doing longer rides. Felt ok otherwise but was having minor dizzy spells and no ability to push hard. Training seemed to make no improvement, in fact, things just got worse.

Even did the Bealach na Bah on a singlespeed, but it buggered me somewhat. I put it down to getting old.

Anyhow, a few weeks later and I started blacking out big time. Trip to emergency at wife's insistence, "Nah, I'll be ok". Immediate admission to whatever they call intensive care over here, couple of days in there, followed by a week in the cardiac ward.

The problem? My lungs were seriously blocked up from clotting due to DVTs. The best thing was an almost immediate improvement after doses of bloodthinners.
They checked for a clot in the lung when i was there so its not that(thank goodness)
I reckon it was my bad fall in 2004 where i nearly broke my neck. That led to 3 or 4 years of sitting on my ass and doing next to nothing. :?

When i do get out the return journey from the city center is a long slight incline and very busy with traffic so you pretty much have to push yourself to keep up with it all(I like a whole lane so feel i must go faster so as not to create a blockage where cars seem to think they must force their way past. so i think there is some stanima there but push that and im sweating rivers and the lactic acid in my legs isnt clearing fast enough. Its this that im putting down as a sure sign of major unfitness :?
If you feel tired all the time, no stamina etc it could be viral. My ME which was started by the Flu. Problem with ME is they only decide you have it after everything else they test you for has come up negative. Golden rule though is to stay within your energy levels do not push your self to the point of distress. Thus fighting your way along a road at the pace of the traffic is not a good idea. Learn to slow down and do stuff in a measured manner.
velomaniac":2k41nh5f said:
If you feel tired all the time, no stamina etc it could be viral. My ME which was started by the Flu. Problem with ME is they only decide you have it after everything else they test you for has come up negative. Golden rule though is to stay within your energy levels do not push your self to the point of distress. Thus fighting your way along a road at the pace of the traffic is not a good idea. Learn to slow down and do stuff in a measured manner.

Unable V really :/ Ive always pushed myself .Kind of feel i need to :?
Thought in my head my entire life has always been 'Keep going at all costs'
Did my "Darby and Joans" club run today, 10'ish miles on the road usin ma MTB (didn,t want to turn up at the venue mankey) then went home via the Fife Coastal Path. Crackin day furr it :cool:
Had home made soup & home made bread followed by fresh coffee and shortbread BRAW!
The hardship you have to endure as a MacRetro MTB'er :mrgreen:

UPDATE : 10 mile on the road and 10 mile on the coastal path (out & back) :facepalm:
packed the Bananarama up in a box tonight for her journey to portugal. Soon you will be gliding over the undulating dry trails of the Douro valley basking in mild and dry dappled sunlight- goodbye yellow bike, you were my favourite by far :(
My condolences Gaz :(
Dont worry, there will be another great bike along sometime soon that will be so good you'll think its the best thing you have ever ridden. That will ease the loss at least ;)

Theres always another bike jamie, you are right. Just as long as she is no of the fat variety, these chubby chasing fellas are multipling fast. Ha ha just kidding. Dont need another bike but tell me why I should by a crosser, bike to work starts this month and kinda want to get a new bike.

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