And today I did......

velomaniac":ahpqpkyf said:
Apologies, due to a rapidly changing mood (i'm mildly hypermanic) and imature personality (look up symptoms of XYY Syndrome) I do tend to argue for no good reason. I know I do it but dont often actually notice at the time I'm doing it and thus the pedantic drivel explodes all over the place.
Sorry, cant promise I wont do it again but sorry anyway :oops:

Hey V :D Dont apologize as theres nothing for you to apologize for. EVERYONE here is a fruitloop its part of the reason we all come here.
Pinch of salt all round is best :xmas-wink:

What did i do today :? Oh yeah, sat around feeling poorly :( Though i did pop some paint stripper in the flying scot forks and did a rough job of getting it off.
Come up not bad and the stripper is proving quite effective(Rustins Strypit) There some of the original paint on the steerer and i think ill leave it there should an owner in the future want to take it back to original.
Talking about paint stripping...

I've got a couple of really old bikes that have been handpainted with what is probably brushing cellulose.

Normally I'd whack it with Nitromors or something similar, but I'd like to keep as much as possible of the original baked enamel underneath.

Any recommendations?
Nitromors yes but as soon as it starts to work neutralize it with soapy water then dry off and start on the next bit. I wish I could show you rather than writing it down :?
Did the clubbytrails loop for the first time this year, rather breezy. Amazing how much the trails change in a couple of months. In November they were fast and firm, today they were soggy and a bit of slog in places. Glad I had my folding saw as I'd to cut my way through one section where the storms have taken their toll. Good ride though.
clubby":12ehoo3q said:
Glad I had my folding saw as I'd to cut my way through one section where the storms have taken their toll.

going to have to get one of them, rob was looking all bush tucker man as he scythed his way through the blairadam bush the other week

managed a wee spin on the turbo early this morn, now that I'm over the manflu, time's conspiring against me getting out for a real spin :roll:

still felt great to get the first exercise in a fortnight
That was me on Saturday, felt good to ride the bike again but I overdid it. Need to learn to take it easier when getting over illness :roll:
velomaniac":vhrl1w9q said:
That was me on Saturday, felt good to ride the bike again but I overdid it. Need to learn to take it easier when getting over illness :roll:

I've been very careful this time around, I've had chest infections that have taken months to clear in each of the last two winters. In these instances I've felt fine, jumped on the bike only to feel under powered and short of breath.

So I took it easy and appeared to breath easy this morn, which was a great relief. Just take your time and take it easy Velo.
Hope you guys start feeling better soon.
Velo, dont be too hard on yourself, I enjoy the banter with you, its always a good craic. (both here and on the other forum ;)
