And today I did......

Its not retro but in a retro spirit whats gone before was the rules for then. Only the new can have new rules so stone age fat bike rules are not outmoded, at least on retrobike.

On UKfatbikes where this debate should really be the definitions can be beaten out !
Alas Velo you missed the thrust of my post, it was to highlight to futile need to pigeonhole everything( as seen in the thousand or so 'What is Retro' threads). As for seldom being seen on a retrobike well, I'd certainly agree with that, I've oft said my interest is mostly in collecting these days and the very very occasional ride. But I would say what I do have is more 'retro' than you and more in keeping with the original premise of the site than your own bikes....but that would be churlish and I would never apply my own reasons for being here onto anyone else :p
But I would say what I do have is more 'retro' than you and more in keeping with the original premise of the site than your own bikes....but that would be churlish

OOOOO more retro than me indeed, thats fighting talk, that is. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Retro style is style that is consciously derivative or imitative of trends, modes, fashions, or attitudes of the recent past. It generally implies a vintage of at least fifteen or twenty years. For example, clothing from the 1980s or 1990s could be retro

Under the definition our bikes are not neccesarily retro, some are just old. So most of my collection losses out to Kaisers as its just old junk. But if Kaiser is more retro that could mean its more pastiche ;)

Either way Chiefy's bikes certainly look way better than mine and I would go as far as say they look better than many on this site such is his attention to detail.

Keep up the good work K and I'll keep grouching, each to his own speciality.

This forum would be no fun without pointless debate ;)
To me a Retrobike is a rigid singlespeed with callipers, cantis, drums or coaster. Everything else is advanced technomechology.

Oh golly, there I go again... :)