And today I did......

Today Ive been looking through my stock room and gathering together the bits for my next build.
A '97' Kona Lava Dome which will be my off-road tourer, I'll be using this OR the Surly Trucker to
pull the Bob Yak when required :D
Technically did this yesterday but was no where near PC. Went to see the Levellers in concert, a right good folk rock band from BITD. Everyone thinks they're Irish but they're from Brighton, loads of their songs do sound irish though. Recommended !

"Theres only one state of mind, Thats your own, your own, your own.........."

Never a truer word sang :cool:

Today I did purchase some very old school steel rimmed 16 x 1&3/8" wheels for my tiny wheeled 60's shopper bike project I've been tinkering with for 3 years. Nothing like rushing a build :LOL:
sounds good Velo, you'll be squatting next after hanging about with those crusties

"Theres only one state of mind, Thats your own, your own, your own.........." - altered & stoned :LOL: :LOL:
Most folk in the audience and half the band bore no resemblance to the crusties of which you speak. Everyone moves on to middle aged semi respectable decreptitude.