And today I did......

velomaniac":s117h824 said:
Is that bike in the foreground actually just ballast to weigh down the Zepplin he keeps in that hanger :LOL:

Is that code? ......................... Ooooerr matron :mrgreen:
Must admit I'm loving the shed, was a big factor in buying the house. It's bigger than some of the rooms in my flat in Edinburgh!
Looks nice down your way Rumble :D
Nice size shed as well :cool:

I had a shortish ride this afternoon with Caleb in his trailer. Heather was working at Mey markets today with her stall so about 1 o'clock I wrapped Caleb up and loaded the trailer.
Nice casual ride through the countryside, just getting a few miles while I can.
We eventually got to the markets, had a hot chocolate, a bit of cake then lights on and try and beat the darkness home.
Not far, but at least we were out. It was very very cold so had to have him well wrapped up, also had his blanket in the trailer as he hates having the plastic wind/rain cover on so he gets cold with just the mesh front. I tried the cover but he cant see through it properly, but its a balancing act really as I cant let him get too cold after recent problems. Still he loves it and I get to ride, though quite slowly down the muddy dirt laneways other wise he says ' the rain hits my face ' even with mudgaurds :LOL:
Hope you all had a good weekend and hopefully got a ride in.


Like the trailer Jamie, how do you find it when loaded? Daughter's been talking of getting one for her little-un
Last week I rode single speed to work and thought it hellish, only 3 miles but a killer.
So fettled SS again, fitted better front tyre and slime filled the inner tubes to combat the numerous thorns around here.
Rode single speed to work today and it was heavenly, weird. Slightly different route that avoided worst hill but broadly similar. Could it have only been down to tyre choice and air pressure, who knows ????