And today I did......

pic 1.................


oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh :LOL:
right today i did

went to work (enjoyed it )
picked up a parcel from the po on the way home
fitted new xt seatpost to s/s hell thats looking good
went out for a spin with the dogs
had tea
stripped my 2001 zaskar down ,then stripped the paint off it
gonna polish it now
shower,juice /crackers&cheese & internet rummage

next bed

that a better day panda ?
clockworkgazz":5it6aml5 said:
got out for a 1.5 power hour tonight, 10 round the ben is no far away and need to keep my end up.

keeping your end up is no way to train, you need 2 months of abstinence from any big ring action :)