And today I did......

clubby":r4qzu0lo said:
I thought you were banning ebay and even spoke about downsizing?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You don't know Mr K at all do you- all bluster, crack addicts have more chance of going cold turkey.

Nice score BTW whats the rational/use for the marin- I almost got a bear valley se BITD and still think they are cool but they were a bit "big american mass produced" so think they never had the same draw for me as the oranges of this world.
Clubby you are 100% right, it was a total impulse buy and it seems time has healed my ebay woes :lol: Gazz, I seem to be in a happy place with all my modern bikes so my attentions have been turned back to retro, with (heaven forbid) even riding them now and again. The Marin will hopefully be a fairly usable retro, I'll go utilitarian mostly but might find some nice forks and a couple of wee bits of bling, nothing too OTT, I'll raid the parts bin first anyway. BTW if anyone has any suitable forks I'd be interested, thinking Manitous, Amps, Control techs kinda thing.
Andy, I'll keep it in mind, I'm reticent to pick up anything that needs that kind of work but on the other hand they are a bit of retro gold I've been hankering after for a loong time.

What swapsies are you after anyway?
Nice score Mr K.
Its one Marin I've always liked. I remember the first one I picked up. It was a freinds that was used for commuting, she had even fitted a rear rack but I was truly suprised by how lite it was. Have always looked and dreamed when I've seen them for sale.
Pics please
A day late but ........................ had a good long trundle round Blairadam with Plough Boy and his mate Gary yesterday, didnt see much of them all morning but they'd see plenty of me (well ma arse) :lol:
Good session, weather was good, the going was good, company was OK :wink:

Cheers guys :mrgreen:
Just back from a wee blast on the Colnago after tea. Depressing that I had to fit my wee lights for the last few miles back to the house. Still warm at least, a bit odd being out in short sleeves in near darkness.