And today I did......

The clutch mech on santa cruz is pretty darn good. I know what you mean about 1x10 been surprised how much I've used the granny ring this year.

Pulled the Dave Yates out this evening and washed the dust of tuscany off it, it's not been out in almost 11 months :oops: looking forward to riding it.
Bust my front mech tonight, popped the band beside the bolt and sent it into the back wheel, thankfully no damage except to my ego and the dog who only got 1/2 of the run he was expecting...

If anyone has a 26.8 tp M901 front mech knocking about the let me know...
Returned from yorksestishire yesterday evening to find a large ish box had arrived
It had a frame in it , so I might build it up soon
Built a proflex this morning in between cutting the hedge


A body was found in the street this morning too
Most distressing
I poked it with a stick

He didn't move

OCP , I know what you mean about rob and the biscuit roulette game
You stick a big plate of biscuits or donuts in front of him ,thinking hell be hungry after all that pedalling / falling off
He takes one biscuit and eats it slowly then looks at you ,daring you to eat the rest
Bloody menace
Built a 24" jump bike rim onto a screw on freewheel disc hub all dragged out of my parts buckets just for practice. Not bad, very slight wobble but as its a disc hub and the tyres 24 x 3" it wont affect braking or be noticeable on the trail. The wheel mounted on my 456 looks very purposeful and aggressive 8)