And today I did......

71 (the 1 makes all the difference!) road miles today. Big loop from home and round the forth bridges. Last few miles weren't much fun and I'm sore now, magic day for it though.
Well in rumble - That's a long day in the saddle.

Today I are mostly trying to figure out if I've broken another rib after falling off yesterday. It feels sair enough, although there is no 'clicking'. Fingers crossed it's just bruising, muscle damage, etc.

ZZ, why dont you try something radical, such as not crashing your bike at all, I know, I know might as well turn lead into gold but its something to work on :wink: :lol:
I should have stayed in bed! I also managed to hurt my ribs again, but in a more embarrassing manner.....

Had a long lie then decided to go for a ride. Started watching a couple of American Restorations while having breakfast and had to drag myself off the sofa. Took cross bike out of shed, lubed chain and strapped on the garmin. It was at this point I noticed the flat rear tyre. I should have taken this as a sign, but oh no I just swapped the cross bike for my old colnago and headed out anyway. Cycling out of village the saddle didn't feel quite at the right angle, but it was ok last ride so I carried on regardless. Going round the corner on the first climb I flt the front wheel squirm, I looked down and the tyre was a bit soft. I was far enough from the house that going back was a pain so I pulled ino the next gap and got out my pump. Because I wasn't intending taking this bike, all I had was my mtb mini pump, not ideal for high pressures. I gave it a go anyway and got it not bad, but on the last squeeze I put my whole body into it and I heard and felt my rib crack!!! I'm hoping I've just pulled a muscle that was still weak from my recent fall, as I've given the ribs a good hard poke the bones feel ok. Determined not to let it get me down I kept on riding, but really wasn't feeling it. I kept sliding forward on the saddle and when I stopped to take a drink my camelback wasn't flowing very well. Had a look at the tube and it was full of black fur. I'm sure it wasn't like that on Friday night, but it may well explain why I haven't stopped farting all weekend and the consistency of my stools!
Back home now, saddle adjusted, puncture repaired, tyres pumped up and bladder full of Milton solution.
Next ride can only be better.