And today I did......

I'm pretty sure Gmac will come up with some comments and photos soon.
I'll just throw few words to summarize: Blood, sweat, pain, twisted ankles, twisted wrist, damaged elbow, more pain, over the bar, midges, misery, puncture, more crashing. That's pretty much for me.

To be fair some part of the track was brilliant for technical ride, more hiking and pushing bike than riding though. But view from top... not sure it was worth all that hassle but it was something special. In that very moments I appreciate how much I love life.

Retro Zaskar and race shoes... what the hell I was thinking?
RobMac":46phciub said:
Approx 40 mile on the road bike today to attend the CTC "sausage sizzle" 8)
BTW I could hear Tea in the Park from Falkland :shock:

It's particularly loud this year. Was up at my mate's in Kinross last night and feck me it was LOUD.
The main stage act finished around 12.30am but the other stuff which was loud inaw was still going on at 1.50am, could still hear it down at mine till after 2.00am. Don't know what they're playing at, there's gonnae be mair than a few folk fae Kinross really pissed off. It was loud enough to disturb sleep in Kinross and it's been like this since Thurs. The sky was lit up almost like daylight with the lights in campsite and searchlights in the sky at 2.00am.
Maybe they don't give a feck if they are off elsewhere next year, there's a rumour from someone who works there each year they might be offski. If so the guy that owns Balado, an old team-mate from rugby club, wullnae be happy. He must have raked in a few pennies every year.
Top effort G and R! Get thay pics oot.

Today I got my first experience with contact lenses, weren't that bad at all. Did mean I got the old M-Frames out to parade about in :) expect to see at a Retroride near you soon!

BTW whats next on the MacRetro calender?
Nothing MTB on the calendar for a while, but there's the Pitmedden BBQ ( oops almost typed BBW!) evening ride to plan. Keith and I had spoke about doing it in August to give ZZ time to heal and get most people's holidays out of the road.
On the road we have Velos 4 Abbeys ride late in August.
Also need to factor in the Glen Clova ride at some point.