And today I did......

zigzag":yemhssk9 said:
Oh aye, I found out today I am now well enough to wield a hedge trimmer. Bah...

Ha, nae luck :lol:

Had a glorious week off, mostly laying about in the garden, why is it you start a week off work with big plans an end up doing he-haw :roll:

Had a bog pan to replace in my bathroom, metioned this to a neighbour on Tuesday morning, he said "you dont want to be doing that job in this weather", "you know something ?, you're right" :lol:

So i've still got a cracked bog but a nice suntan :)
Rumble":1sf4n73c said:
Yep, same job different company & industry. Mostly excited about regularly cycling to work for the first time in my life!

There is a tendency in the summer months for you to get the urge to keep on riding and take the day off. :lol:
Just back in from a road ride and I totally nailed it! 23 miles with an average speed over 20mph! Have'nt done that in yonks. First proper road ride in ages anaw, probably this year. Wifey is hogging the computer so ah cannae upload yet.
Cheers bud, but where there is ying there is yang. Out for a night ride tonight and took a corner just too neat, clipped the bars on the inside of the corner, flew across the trail and headed down a ravine into a tree which caught me! Scratched legs, sore wrist and worst of all shagged Garmin.