And today I did......

Today I was at the Highland Perthshire Enduro and had a ball :) I'd managed to get the few odd jobs done to finish off the Horsethief and this was its inaugural ride. Top day out and challenging in all respects, pushed me physically and skills wise and visited some familiar Dunkers trails and rode loads of new ones. Top banana :D bring on Enduro Enduro.
velomaniac":3handehe said:
Rather proud today :)

Seen a short bit of video concerning my teams vaccine production in our Australian collaborators lab in Perth Western Australia. The equipment they were using was joint designed by me and my boss plus some bits exclusively designed by me.

I may not be a cutting edge scientist but I am an inovative equipment bodger :D

Get a patent applied for mate , makes lots of lovely money
Ahead of my self a bit, Im about to ride a new build thats NEVER been ridden and it'll be a baptism of fire as its going to be ridden in the Lomond Hills area :?

Tools and bandages at the ready :shock:
Enjoy Rob 8) But what is hte build you speak of ?

Nice on V :D i think we deserve a fuller explanation of its workings.
kaiser":35wcx64p said:
Today I was at the Highland Perthshire Enduro and had a ball :) I'd managed to get the few odd jobs done to finish off the Horsethief and this was its inaugural ride. Top day out and challenging in all respects, pushed me physically and skills wise and visited some familiar Dunkers trails and rode loads of new ones. Top banana :D bring on Enduro Enduro.

Looked at the results K, - time says 31 mins - but the route says 49km - I assume they only time you for short sections, how was that downhill? sounds scary.

ride report... ... -4th-2013/
The Ken":n8rux18u said:
Looked at the results K, - time says 31 mins - but the route says 49km - I assume they only time you for short sections, how was that downhill? sounds scary.

ride report... ... -4th-2013/

Aye there were 4 timed sections, the format works pretty well, you could cycle along with mates and enjoy the ride then race against the clock on the timed bits. The second stage was pretty epic, very steep and loose and made all the more so by the rain the previous day, sytage 4 as well was a hoot. The whole thing pushed you into doing things you probably wouldn't do but because the time was ticking you got on with it and didn't think too much about it :lol: Cannae wait for the Fort Bill one noo.
Dyna wrote concerning apparatus i was involved in developing:
Nice on V I think we deserve a fuller explanation of its workings.
I give you the link to the engineering company that built the fancy all singing version based on the bodged Heath Robinson prototype my boss and I built. ... institute/
The engineering company belongs to my boss's son and thus any patent i'll get any cash from was long since pulled from under my feet.
Nepotism :roll:
You'll note the blurb gives the impression the designs uniquely 4C's own, this is rubbish they merely made it look proffesional but I'll never see a penny plus I work for a not for proffit organisation so I was never going to see any cash anyway.
I'm still chuffed though, I created the monster.