And today I did......

Lovely pics. I've got Freddie, bike and mountains as my screen saver now, hope you don't mind, copyright and all that.... :shock:

Sort of pic that just gets you through the day :D
LikeClockwork":1upw7jb7 said:
Lovely pics. I've got Freddie, bike and mountains as my screen saver now, hope you don't mind, copyright and all that.... :shock:

Sort of pic that just gets you through the day :D

I'll send you a better one - well I think it is :D
velomaniac":1i9l45dp said:
Cool pics and must say those old Kona Sex mtb's look almost modern untill you examine the brakes 8)

The cable front disc is very good so at around 15 Stone I'm not complaining.

The rear sucks, mainly because I still haven't sourced a pivot arm for it so the setup runs at a Kant (is that a real word) yet I like the LX cantis and will run it like this until a pivot appears.

Thought yesterday about getting a disc tag brazed on the back but immediately dismissed that as I've already done it on an Explosif and havny built the bike yet :oops:
Mr Panda":2lfw2ex4 said:
The rear sucks, mainly because I still haven't sourced a pivot arm for it so the setup runs at a Kant (is that a real word)

Unless it runs a German philosopher I think you might mean canted. :lol:

Bike looks grand btw.:wink:
Got original Headshok forks fixed. Edinburgh bike coop mechanic used to work on them and they still the tools. Damper pulled out no bother and new spring popped right into place. Was happy to pay but only wanted a pack of biscuits, but I threw in a case of Tennants as well. Not always a fan of the coop but guy couldn't have been nicer.
Took the Sex One and Freddie along south shore of Loch Etive...........






Mr P. do you ever do any bloody work instead of cavorting around tourist brochure Scotland with that dug. Your annoying us central belters, stuck in our places of toil :(