And today I did......

Rockhopper was pretty good gazz, held up well till the last couple of miles when the headset got a bit loose. The tyres inevitably clogged with mud, but for 20 quid generic kendas, they're pretty good. Funny, was thinking a fat bike would have been ideal. Some nice scenery and the occasional piece of singletrack, but an awfy lot of walking up and down stairs.
Fat bike wots one of those then? :LOL:

looking after the kids today and fitba (what else) but looking at getting out tomorrow might go up the windfarm again but will see what the weather holds- the hopper is looking good btw :cool:
Whereabouts do the bufties hing aboot in Leven then?

Erm, jist for future reference as to places to avoid, ye ken.
You guys :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
You 'ladies' do protest a bit too much, me thinks ;)

Lovely smilie by the way ocp

Great pics and sounds like a great ride ZZ, that Rocky always looks great :cool:
The beach for me tomorrow, weather has been great up here, sunny and clear for the last few days.


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